• 古埃及铁工艺品取材于外太空陨石

    13-08-20 Researchers have shown that ancient Egyptian iron beads held at the UCL Petrie Museum were hammered from pieces of meteorites(陨石) , rather than iron ore. The objects, which trace their origins to outer space, also predate the emergence of iron s...

  • 孕期每天服用铁元素能增加婴儿出生体重

    13-06-24 Taking iron daily during pregnancy is associated with a significant increase in birth weight and a reduction in risk of low birth weight, finds a new study. The effects were seen for iron doses up to 66 mg per day. The World Health Organization curr...

  • 只要工夫深 铁杵磨成针

    12-08-27 So long as you have put a great deal of effort, you can grind an iron rod into a needle-perseverance spells success. This legend is about Li Bai, a great poet in Tang Dynasty. Li Bai was naughty and disliked study when he was a child. One day he saw...

  • 钯金纳米粒子清理三氯乙烯速度迅猛

    12-06-28 In the first side-by-side tests of a half-dozen palladium(钯) - and iron-based catalysts for cleaning up the carcinogen(致癌物质) TCE, Rice University scientists have found that palladium destroys TCE far faster than iron -- up to a billion time...

  • 鸽子归巢的本领与喙部细胞无关

    12-04-13 The theory that pigeons' famous skill at navigation is down to iron-rich nerve cells in their beaks has been disproven by a new study published in Nature. The study shows that iron-rich cells in the pigeon beak are in fact specialized white blood ce...

  • 地球深处形成一种新金属

    11-12-20 The crushing pressures and intense temperatures in Earth's deep interior squeeze atoms and electrons so closely together that they interact very differently. With depth materials change. New experiments and supercomputer computations have revealed t...

  • 南美发现最古老的铁矿

    11-05-20 Archaeologists(考古学家) have discovered a 12,000-year-old iron oxide mine in Chile that marks the oldest evidence of organized mining ever found in the Americas, according to a report in the June issue of Current Anthropology. A team of researche...

  • 补铁剂并不能使孕妇显著受益

    11-03-14 Although universal prenatal supplementation with iron is recommended, an extra intake of iron does not noticeably benefit pregnant women, except when they are anemic(贫血的) . This was observed by researchers of the Institute of Tropical Medicine...

  • 纳米微粒 对付癌细胞的“聪明”杀手

    10-03-09 Another weapon in the arsenal(兵工厂,军械库) against cancer: Nanoparticles that identify, target and kill specific cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Led by Carl Batt, the Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Food Science, the researcher...

  • 日食爆发时,日冕层释放出大量铁离子

    10-01-05 Solar physicists attempting to unlock the mysteries of the solar corona日冕 have found another piece of the puzzle by observing the sun's outer atmosphere during eclipses. Ground-based observations reveal the first images of the solar corona in the...