• 特朗普展示空军一号新配色

    19-06-14 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday unveiled a red, white and blue paint job for new Air Force One jets. 美国总统特朗普周四展示了空军一号客机的红白蓝新配色。 Trump, who has expressed an intention to replace the traditional baby blue and white ex...

  • 中国13家航空公司向波音索赔

    19-05-27 Thirteen Chinese airlines are seeking compensation from Boeing over the grounding of its 737 Max jetliners and delays in delivering pre-ordered 737 MAX models. 13家中国航空公司就波音737Max停飞以及延迟交付问题向波音公司寻求赔偿。 The Boeing 737 Max p...

  • 黑洞喷流如何冲出所在星系

    16-06-19 A simulation of the powerful jets generated by supermassive black holes at the centers of the largest galaxies explains why some burst forth as bright beacons visible across the universe, while others fall apart and never pierce the halo of the gala...

  • 空客将向中国销售70架飞机

    14-03-27 European aviation giant Airbus has signed a deal to supply 70 jets, worth more than $10bn, to China's state-owned purchasing agency. 欧洲航空巨头空中巴士公司将向中国提供70架客机,总价超过100亿美元。 Airbus boss Fabrice Bregier shakes hands with Chin...

  • 庞巴迪2.59亿售出10架喷气机

    13-12-31 Canadian aerospace manufacturer Bombardier has announced it has sold 10 Challenger jets for $259m to an anonymous buyer. 加拿大航空航天公司庞巴迪宣布,以2.59亿美元的价格向一位匿名买家出售了10架挑战者喷气机。 Bombardier is one of the biggest manufact...

  • 天文学家揭示神秘黑洞喷流的成分

    13-11-14 An international team of astronomers has answered a long standing question about the enigmatic(神秘的) jets emitted by black holes, in research published today in the journal Nature. Jets are narrow beams of matter spat out at high speed from near...

  • 单细胞注射术研制成功

    10-08-10 Duke University physicists have developed a way to produce sharp fluid jets with enough precision that they can inject material into a single, living cell. The technique promises a way to deliver drugs to cells one at a time, which is likely to be v...
