• fully display one's talents 大显身手

    22-06-06 大显身手,汉语成语,指充分地显示出本领和才能。可以翻译为fully display ones talents,distinguish oneself或do a really good job等。 例句: 你大显身手的时机到啦! Nows your chance to distinguish yourself. 他虽然很缺乏经验,但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手。 Al...

  • 打招呼交朋友如何开口 3

    22-05-26 21. Wheres your favorite place to hang out in town? 镇上你最喜欢去哪儿嗨? 这又是一个有趣而又不私人的开场问题。接着就可以讨论最喜欢的餐厅、酒吧和商店了。 22. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? 我很喜欢你的衬衫,在哪买的? 真诚的称赞能换来对方...

  • 打招呼交朋友如何开口 1

    22-05-26 1.Where did you grow up? 你在哪长大的? 这是非常好的一句开场白,可以让对方谈论起过去,这样对话双方会比较轻松。 2. Do you have any pets? 你养宠物吗? 人们都喜欢宠物,问起他们的宠物能让对话进行下去。即使对方没有宠物,这也不失为一个好的开场白。 3. What...

  • a devil of a job 大费周折,费劲的事

    22-05-20 表达 a devil of a job 比喻 一项非常棘手和烦人的体力或脑力活。这种任务通常让人费尽周折,唯恐避之而不及,任何必须完成它的人都免不了灰心丧气,甚至气急败坏、恼羞成怒。 例句 I need to turn this screw to stop the water flow to my taps, but I just cant rea...

  • 面试时遇到答不上来的问题怎么办

    22-05-16 1. Whatever you do, dont lie. 不论怎么回答,都别说谎 Daniel Space, a human resources consultant, said that if you cant draw from personal experience to answer a question, its alright to say something like, I havent been placed in that situation spec...

  • 常用的21个英语习语 上

    22-05-11 1.sock away 存钱 You should sock away a certain amount each month. 你每个月都应该存一笔钱。 2.live from hand to mouth 收入勉强糊口 Bob had a little money socked away, so he didnt have to live from hand to mouth. 鲍勃存下来了一点钱,所以日子还算过得...

  • do something in vain 徒劳地做某事

    22-05-10 Do something in vain Definition: do something with no reason or chance at success 定义:徒劳地做某事 Peter feels his doing the job in vain. 皮特觉得自己做的工作是徒劳无效的。 Never feel youre doing something in vain. Theres always a reason. 不要觉得...

  • there's no point in doing something 做某事没有意义

    22-04-28 theres no point in doing something 做某事没有意义 例句: Theres no point in staring at me. 没必要盯着我看。 Notes: point作为名词可表示要点,theres no point表示没有意义。例: Theres no point in convincing me of the importance of this job. 劝我相信这...

  • make little use of a great talent 大材小用

    22-03-24 大材小用,汉语成语,意思是把大的材料用于小的用处(put fine timber to petty use),比喻人才使用不当,浪费人才,可以翻译为make little use of a great talent,waste a talent on trivial job,put something big to small use。 例句: 让你当打字员是大材小用...

  • it never rains but it pours 福无双至,祸不单行

    22-03-23 福无双至,祸不单行是一个汉语成语,指幸运的事不会连续到来,祸事却会接踵而至(literally blessings never come in pairs and misfortunes never come singly),与俗语屋漏偏逢连夜雨意思相同,可以用it never rains but it pours表示。福无双至和祸不单行也可分开...