• 我今天心情好

    22-08-03 1. What a lucky day! 今天太走运啦! 2. This is too good to be true. 简直好得让人难以置信! 3. Im in a good mood today. 我今天心情很好。 4. Ann was walking on air when she got the job. 安找到了工作,正洋洋得意呢。 5. Im really on cloud nine! 我现在真...

  • 谈薪水这件事 上

    22-08-02 HR也许会这么问你: 1. What kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company? 你对这个公司的薪水和加薪有什么期待? 2. Why do you think youre worth that? 为什么你认为自己应该得到这一水平的薪水? 3. How do you understand a salary in a...

  • 为什么换工作

    22-07-25 说法一丨关于职位 The only reason is that I want a higher position. Id like to have a job that is more dynamic and challenging. I want to work in a company where I can display my ability, and I hope to have an opportunity to develop my abilities. 唯...

  • out on a limb 冒险

    22-07-04 Out on a limb 出来站到枝干上 含义: 作某种冒险,让自己处于某种困难或有风险的境地。 例句: Sam had a secure job with a high salary, but he dreamed about owning a restaurant. Last year, he went out on a limb and quit his job to open a small restaurant....

  • have a change of heart 改变某人的想法

    22-07-04 Be halfhearted about something 指某人完全不认真对待某事 I wish you werent so halfhearted about this new project! Get serious! 我希望你不要对这个新项目这么不上心!认真点! She was rather halfhearted in her attempts to find a job. 她在找工作时态度相当...

  • gutted 非常失望的

    22-06-21 Gutted really upset. 非常失望的 例句: I was gutted when I didnt get the job. 没得到这份工作,我很失望。...

  • 面对朋友的精彩表现,你可以毫不吝啬地说:

    22-06-13 1.There you go! 干得不错! 2.Keep up the good work. 继续努力哦。 3.Keep it up. 坚持哦。 4.Good job. 干得好。 5. Im so proud of you! 你是我的骄傲!...

  • be conscientious and do one's best 兢兢业业

    22-06-13 兢兢业业,汉语成语,形容做事小心谨慎,工作认真踏实。可以翻译为be conscientious and do ones best,be assiduous或be very careful to do ones work properly等。 例句: 多少年来,他工作一直兢兢业业。 Hed been doing his job conscientiously for many years....

  • 按揭买房

    22-06-09 1. I cant just quit my job. I have a family, a mortgage and bills to pay. 我不能辞职。我得养家、还房贷,还得付各种账单。 2. Our mortgage is almost paid off. 我们的房贷快还完了。 3. How do I begin the application process? 我怎样申请呢? 4. The applic...

  • 别人已经开始做了,你给予鼓励:

    22-06-07 1. There you go! 做得不错啊! 2. Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。 3. Keep it up. 继续保持。 4. Good job. 干得不错。 5. Im so proud of you! 真为你骄傲!...