• 《飞屋环游记》第5章

    23-01-28 Nearby, a creature blasted across a field of grass and into the cover of a grove of trees. Three dogs chased it at top speed. The prey dodged and ran, avoiding the traps that someone had set for it. It was a large, colorful bird. It couldnt fly, but...

  • 黑猩猩敲打树根“击鼓”传讯

    22-11-25 This chimpanzee is about to send a message. 这头黑猩猩马上就要发送一个信息。 The drumming can travel 1km through the jungle. 敲打声可以在丛林中传播一公里。 Drumming on tree roots allows them to say where they are and what theyre doing. 敲打树根可以...

  • Giant rat found in 'lost volcano' 巴布亚新几内亚死火山附近发

    09-09-07 A new species of giant rat has been discovered deep in the jungle of Papua New Guinea. 巴布亚新几内亚丛林深处发现一种新巨鼠。 The rat, which has no fear of humans, measures 82cm long, placing it among the largest species of rat known anywhere in the...
