• 熊孩子

    20-10-14 1 little ass-kicker是一个英文中常用的表达,是从kick someones ass引申过来的。 kick ass字面意思是踢屁股,后来引申成为厉害,那么ass kicker就是厉害的人。 英语中常用Someone is real ass-kicker来表示某人真的很厉害。请注意,不要看错成ass kisser,这表示拍马...

  • cheat chain 抄作业链

    16-06-23 When one kid copies answers from a smart kid in class, then another kid copies from him/her, and then someone copies off the kid who copied off the kid who copied from the smart kid, etc. 班里一个孩子抄了好学生的作业,然后,另一个孩子又抄了这个孩子...

  • The Whale Sound <1>

    16-06-10 Leave him alone I yelled as I walked out of the orphanage gate and saw several of the Spring Park School bullies pushing the deaf kid around. I did not know the boy at all but I knew that we were about the same age, because of his size. He lived in...