• The Blue Light

    13-08-08 There was once on a time a soldier who for many years had served the King faithfully, but when the war came to an end could serve no longer because of the many wounds which he had received. The King said to him, Thou mayst return to thy home, I need...

  • The King's Son Who Feared Nothing

    13-08-07 There was once a King's son, who was no longer content to stay at home in his father's house, and as he had no fear of anything, he thought, I will go forth into the wide world, there the time will not seem long to me, and I shall see wonders enough...

  • The Donkey

    13-07-17 ONCE on a time there lived a King and a Queen, who were rich, and had everything they wanted, but no children. The Queen lamented over this day and night, and said, I am like a field on which nothing grows. At last God gave her her wish, but when th...

  • The Three Sluggards

    13-07-17 A certain King had three sons who were all equally dear to him, and he did not know which of them to appoint as his successor after his own death. When the time came when he was about to die, he summoned them to his bedside and said, Dear children,...

  • The Shepherd Boy

    13-07-12 There was once on a time a shepherd boy whose fame spread far and wide because of the wise answers which he gave to every question. The King of the country heard of it likewise, but did not believe it, and sent for the boy. Then he said to him, If t...

  • The First Well

    13-07-11 There once was a small kingdom around a lake. One very hot summer it did not rain and the lake dried up. People grew anxious and went to the king. It has not rained for so long. Our fields are barren(贫瘠的) ! said the farmers. There's no fish to...

  • 比利时国王宣布退位

    13-07-04 The King of the Belgians, Albert II, has announced his abdication. 比利时国王阿尔布雷希特二世宣布退位。 In a national televised address, the 79-year-old monarch said he would step down in favour of his son Crown Prince Philippe, 53, on 21 July, Belg...

  • The Griffin

    13-06-25 There was once upon a time a King, but where he reigned and what he was called, I do not know. He had no son, but an only daughter who had always been ill, and no doctor had been able to cure her. Then it was foretold to the King that his daughter s...

  • The Willow-Wren

    13-06-08 In former days every sound still had its meaning and application. When the smith's hammer resounded, it cried, Strike away! strike away. When the carpenter's plane grated, it said, Here goes! here goes. If the mill wheel began to clack, it said, Hel...

  • 理查三世的墓穴考古情况公布

    13-05-27 An academic paper on the archaeology of the Search for Richard III reveals for the first time specific details of the grave dug for King Richard III and discovered under a car park in Leicester. University of Leicester archaeologists have published...