• 邦德吻戏过多被印度审查委员会大幅度删减

    15-11-29 A James Bond who touches M's feet to seek blessings before setting out for a mission? One who only shakes (not stirs) his buttermilk? You had better believe it. 执行任务前,詹姆斯邦德先要摸M的脚祈求保佑?他喝牛奶时是用摇的而不是用搅的?难以置信吧。...

  • 搞笑诺贝尔医学奖:接吻可以缓解过敏反应

    15-09-25 A Japanese scientist has won the spoof Ig Nobel medicine prize for a study that revealed kissing could reduce allergic reactions in humans. 一名日本科学家研究发现,接吻可以缓解人体的过敏反应,这项研究让他赢得了搞笑诺贝尔医学奖。 I wish that people w...
