• 一些人约会总是迟到的原因

    21-02-23 每个人身边总有那么几个爱迟到的朋友,他们姗姗来迟背后的原因是什么?是因为他们不讲礼貌或不懂得体谅别人吗?一些研究表明,事实并不仅仅是我们想象的那么简单。 We all have one, dont we? A friend whos always late. The one who turns up for coffee a full half...

  • 多晚算太晚?

    21-02-10 你也许听说过better late than never 晚来总比不来强这个说法。那么,到底多晚算太晚?生活在不同文化背景中的人,对时间的概念、对迟到的定义大相径庭。 Time flies, or so they say. No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. S...

  • 你为什么会迟到?

    21-01-12 你经常迟到吗?你的迟到会让周围的人感到恼火吗?也许迟到不是你的错! As the saying goes, time waits for no man. Time is always against us, and we just cant stop it. Maybe thats why some of us are always running late for appointments. But if timekeepin...

  • sleep late 起得晚

    20-10-15 1. sleep late 醒得很晚、睡到很迟才起床 这个词语很容易理解成睡得很晚,其实不是的。睡得很晚可以这样说go to bed late。 Many people sleep late at weekends. 周末很多人睡到很晚。 2. oversleep 睡过头了 这个词语很好理解,over一般都是指超出了某种程度。 I ove...

  • 你还在等什么?

    20-08-31 You can never do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. How many times have we said, Oh Ill do that tomorrow. Sometimes tomorrow never comes and we find ourselves saying, Boy, I wish I hadnt put that off. Our family ha...

  • 不善交际的人如何拒绝别人

    17-04-21 Please go away. Im introverting. 请走开,我忙着内向呢。 I would rather be at home with my cat. 我更愿意待在家里陪我的猫。 I came. I saw. And I want to go home. 我来。我看。然后我想回家了。 Sorry Im late. I dont want to come. 抱歉,我来晚了,因为我并...

  • 周末两天睡眠的坏习惯

    16-11-02 Youre sleeping too much Is there such a thing as too much sleep? It seems so. According to sleep experts at Swedens Katolinska Insitute having an irregular sleep schedule confuses our natural cycle. Sleeping in really late, taking long naps, or ones...

  • stupid o'clock 愚蠢时段

    16-08-12 Stupid oclock is the time of day, usually late at night or early in the morning, when people should be asleep. If they are awake at this hour, it is less likely for them to make good decisions or create logical thoughts. 愚蠢时段指一天当中的深夜时分...

  • Go Slow 慢行

    16-05-06 Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now hes in Grade Three. He lives not far form the school, but hes often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he cant get up earl...

  • 人生三喻

    15-10-16 One day, Ping Gong, the King of the State of Jin, said to his minister Shi Kuang: I am over 70 years old. Though I am eager to read some books, I feel it is too late. Shi Kuang said: Too late? Why don't you light the candle? Ping Gong said: I am ser...