• 16个常用的口语缩略词 下

    22-07-25 9. gotcha - 逮到你了 原型:got you 例:I gotcha! Cmon we need to help Robert.(我逮到你了!赶紧我们要去帮助Robert) 10. gotta - 必须 原型:got to 例:Its too late, I gotta go(太晚了,我得走了) 11. outta - 离开 原型:out of 例:I dont wanna see you anym...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-迟到

    22-06-22 Youre late. 你迟到了。 Tardiness reflects a lack of respect for your teacher. 迟到是对老师的不尊重。 Two lates equals an absence. 迟到两次等于缺席一次。 Dont tell me you were born late too. 别跟我说你出生的时候也迟到了。 Youre not late, youre just e...

  • 被骗了

    22-06-13 1. She has been dumped on too often. 她老是上当受骗。 2. Mary was done brown! 玛丽上当了! 3. He knew hed been tricked/deceived, but it was too late to do anything. 他知道自己被骗了,但是为时已晚。 4. They got taken/was taken in by a scam artist. 他...

  • 道歉

    22-04-20 Im (really/ terribly/ so) sorry for being late. It wont happen again. 我迟到了,(真的/非常/如此)抱歉。这种事不会再发生了。 Please excuse my late response. 请原谅我反应慢了半拍。 I apologise for not calling earlier. 很抱歉没有早一点给你打电话。 Id...

  • lie in 赖床

    22-02-14 在《柯林斯英语词典》里,对lie in的释义是remain in bed late in the morning,也就是赖床。 这里稍微区分一下赖床和睡懒觉,睡懒觉是早上睡到很晚才醒来,而赖床则指醒来赖在床上不起,睡懒觉的英文表达可以是get up late或sleep in。 另外,sleep late不是睡得晚,...

  • Faff. 浪费时间。

    22-01-25 Faff. 浪费时间。 例句: I did not work on Friday, I kept faffing around. 我周五都在混日子,没有去工作。 We are late, stop faffing. 我们迟到了,不要再浪费时间了。...

  • a day late and a dollar short 差一点点,差一步

    22-01-07 a day late and a dollar short 晚了一天,少了一美元?其实它的意思是差一点点,差一步,即某件事发生得有点太晚,不足以接受。 They offered me a contract after Id already accepted another job offer a day late and a dollar short! 在我接受了另一份工作之后,...

  • stand somebody up 放鸽子

    21-11-16 约定好的聚会最怕被人 放鸽子。日常生活中,如果对方突然失约,你会选择原谅,拉黑,还是再也不约? 放鸽子,原指放飞白鸽(release white doves),象征和平,后用来比喻定下了约会却不赴约(to intentionally fail to meet someone when you said you would),带有...

  • late六个用法

    21-07-05 1 Late 最常见的用法是作形容词使用,意思是 晚的,迟的,可用于名词前。 I had a late breakfast, so I took the late train. 2 Late 可作副词使用,意思是 晚了,迟了,迟到地,用来修饰动词。 I arrived late to class because the train came late. 3 搭配 be late...

  • pull back before it is too late 悬崖勒马

    21-06-06 悬崖勒马,汉语成语,意思是在高高的山崖边上勒住马(draw [rein] in ones horse at the edge of a cliff)。比喻到了危险的边缘及时清醒回头(desist from doing something before it is too late),可以翻译为pull back before it is too late。 例句: 现在是你悬...