• G20峰会重申对《巴黎协定》的肯定

    17-07-10 The Group of 20 (G20) leaders except U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday reaffirmed their commitment to the Paris Agreement, saying it is irreversible. 上周六,除美国总统特朗普之外参加G20峰会的领导人重申了对《巴黎协定》的肯定,称这是不可取消的。...

  • 有强健体格的男性被认为更具领导才能

    16-03-07 Men with muscly physiques are perceived as possessing stronger leadership skills than their skinnier colleagues, a new study shows. 最新研究发现,有着强健体格的男性被认为比体型清瘦的同事更具领导才能。 While intelligence and level-headedness might se...

  • devolve more powers 下放更多权力

    15-04-08 The leaders of the three main parties at Westminster have signed a pledge to devolve more powers to Scotland, if Scots reject independence. 英国三大主要政党领袖签署了一项保证协议,称如果苏格兰不独立,将对其下放更多权力。 最近有关苏格兰独立公投(Scot...

  • 良好的领导能力可使昆虫种群受益

    14-10-17 Scientists have shown for the first time that when insect larvae follow a leader to forage for food, both leaders and followers benefit, growing much faster than if they are in a group of only leaders or only followers. The work gives new insight in...

  • 各国领导人将与乌克兰总统举行会面

    14-09-04 World leaders are due to meet Ukraine's president before the Nato summit gets under way in Wales. 世界各国领导人将要在北约峰会开幕之前会见乌克兰总统。 Petro Poroshenko will update US and EU leaders on discussions with Russia's President Vladimir Put...

  • 各国政要对曼德拉的颂词

    13-12-15 World leaders, family, friends and thousands of mourners who lined up for hours to secure a seat in Johannesburg's FNB stadium paid tribute to South Africa's anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela. Here's a selection of quotes from the speeches at the m...

  • eavesdrop 窃听

    13-12-11 Anger over Washington's extensive eavesdropping on world leaders and ordinary citizens has shown no signs of abating, as observers say using anti-terrorism as an excuse for pervasive surveillance is hypocritical and abused. 针对华盛顿方面大面积监听...

  • 秃头男看似更具领导力

    12-10-21 Bald men are perceived to be more dominant, more athletic and better leaders, researchers have claimed. 研究人员称,人们普遍认为秃头男更具主导力、更健壮、领导能力更强。 A new study from information management lecturer Albert Mannes at the University...

  • 成功的美国总统都有某种心理病态性格

    12-09-17 A character trait in psychopaths has been identified by scientists as a common thread in successful US presidents. 科学家发现,成功的美国总统都具有某种共同的心理病态性格。 Fearless dominance, which is linked to less social and physical apprehensiven...

  • 利比亚请求武力援助对战卡扎菲

    11-09-15 The head of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) has appealed for weapons as NTC forces fight to capture parts of the country still loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi. 利比亚国家过渡委员会首领请求国际社会援助武器以占领国内仍效忠于卡扎菲的势力所盘踞...