• 北京2000多申请者竞争一块车牌

    18-06-27 New statistics show 2,031 have competed for a license plate in June through Beijings vehicle lottery system, a new record, reports the Beijing Youth Daily. 《新京报》报道,6月最新数据显示,北京汽车摇号系统内,2031位申请者竞争一块车牌,创新纪录。 Aro...

  • 40万英国人看电视不交费 理由五花八门

    13-06-21 2012年,有超过40万英国人被查到未交电视费,他们将面临1000英镑(约合人民币9581元)的罚款。根据法律规定,英国人收看电视节目需要交电视费,黑白电视机每年需交费49英镑,彩色电视机每年145.5英镑。 A homeowner said they did not think they had to pay their TV...

  • 《伴娘我最大》四

    12-08-31 精彩对白 Guest: This is the most beautiful shower I have ever been to. Guest: Yes, and Helen is giving out the cutest party favors . I know, I love their pink berets . Waiter: Would you like some champagne? Annie: Yes. Waiter: It's French. Lilian: A...

  • revoke license 吊销执照

    11-12-12 Musician Gao Xiaosong, who was caught drunken driving, had his license revoked on Monday. 因醉驾被捕的音乐人高晓松本周一被吊销驾照。 上文报道中的高晓松因drunken driving(醉驾)而被捕,警方宣布revoke his drivers license(吊销他的驾驶执照)。Revoke的...

  • 英国将在2017年之前完成“超高速宽带”

    10-02-01 The Conservatives have unveiled plans to deliver a nationwide super-fast broadband, part of which could be funded from the BBC licence fee. 英国保守党宣布将启动一项全国范围的超快宽带,部分经费将由BBC牌照费提供。 Broadband has been a political hot po...
