• 闪电会帮助大气自我净化

    21-05-25 雷雨时划破长空的闪电有一个你不知道的功能,那就是净化空气,而且还有助于抗击全球气候变暖。新研究发现,闪电会释放大量的化学清洗剂,帮助大气自我净化。 What is the purpose of lightning? That might sound like a deeply philosophical question, but scientist...

  • 未来我们能否控制闪电的路线?

    15-06-23 Lightning dart across the sky in a flash. And even though we can use lightning rods to increase the probability of it striking at a specific location, its exact path remains unpredictable. At a smaller scale, discharges between two electrodes behave...

  • 哥伦比亚11人被闪电击中身亡

    14-10-08 Eleven members of a Colombian indigenous community have been killed by lightning during a religious ceremony in a remote, mountainous area in the north of the country. 哥伦比亚北部一处偏远山区,某土著部落中的11人在举行一场宗教仪式时被闪电击中身亡。...

  • 高速太阳风增加地球上的雷电现象

    14-05-16 Scientists have discovered new evidence to suggest that lightning on Earth is triggered not only by cosmic rays from space, but also by energetic particles from the Sun. University of Reading researchers found a link between increased thunderstorm a...

  • 英国13岁男孩“13日黑色星期五”遭雷击

    10-08-22 Friday the 13th proved suitably unlucky for one 13 year-old boy who was struck by lightning before being taken to hospital -- at 13:13 on the dreaded date. 8月13日恰逢传说中的黑色星期五,当天,英国一名13岁的男孩在13时13分被闪电击中,随后被送往医院。...

  • Upwards lightning caught on film 科学家拍摄到向上的闪电

    09-08-24 Scientists have photographed upwards lightning, a rarely-seen phenomenon where electricity from storms flows into the upper atmosphere. 科学家拍摄到向上的闪电,一种十分罕见的现象--暴风雨中的电流向上层大气流动。 Gigantic jets can travel more than 60k...
