• one-banana problem 很容易的事

    22-01-07 One-banana problem,英文字面上看是一个香蕉的问题,可我又不是个猴儿,那是啥呢?该词组据说是来自于这样一个概念训练过的猴子都能解决的问题(猴子不就是好吃香蕉嘛)。 所以说,这个词组现在就是指很容易的事,易如反掌的事或问题。 Its only a one-banana problem...

  • in the long run 长远来说

    21-12-17 英语里 in the long run 这个短语的意思是长远来说。 例句 Im not spending any money at all at the moment. Life is pretty boring but, in the long run, itll be worth it. Ill be able to afford my dream holiday. Ive just quit smoking and I feel terrible, b...

  • long run 长期、从长远来看

    21-12-15 long run的意思可不是长跑,而是长期、从长远来看。 例句: Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run. 有时昂贵的药物或其他疗法从长远来看是省钱的。 This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run. 从长远...

  • a long shot 机会不大

    21-08-10 A long shot 的字面意思是长球。我们也可以用这个表达来形容某事,意思就是实现此事的机会不大。 例句 Im looking for a first edition of Alice in Wonderland for my mothers birthday. I know its a long shot, but do you have one in stock? My favourite footbal...

  • Wear Socks 穿袜子

    16-05-06 Mum: Look at your socks. One is short, the other is long. You must have put on the wrong ones. Xiaodong: I am not wrong. I look at there others socks. One is short and the other is long, too. 妈妈:小东,看你的袜子一只长,一只短,你肯定穿错了。 小东...

  • long johns 秋衣秋裤

    16-02-25 Long underwear, also called long johns or thermal underwear, is a style of two-piece underwear with long legs and long sleeves that is normally worn during cold weather. 长款内衣,也叫long johns或thermal underwear,是一种上下两件的带有长裤腿和长袖的...

  • 狼狈为奸

    12-02-08 A wolf and a jackal(豺,走狗) often went hunting together. Once they came to a sheepfold(羊圈) the walls of which were frimly built and too high for them to get over. Then they had an idea: Since the wolf had long forelegs and short hindlegs, wh...

  • Hen's Legs 母鸡的腿

    12-02-03 Son: Why are hen's legs so short? Dad: You're a fool. If the hen's legs were too long, wouldn't they drop their eggs into pieces when laying? 儿子:为什么母鸡的腿这么短呢? 父亲:你真笨。如果母鸡的腿太长,它们下蛋的时候,鸡蛋岂不都摔碎了?...

  • 科学解释细长状叶子的形成原因

    09-11-24 Applied mathematicians(应用数学家) dissected the morphology(形态学) of the plantain lily(玉簪花) (Hosta lancifolia), a characteristic long leaf with a saddle-like arc(弧) midsection(中央部分,腹部) and closely packed ripples(涟漪,皱纹)...

  • Secret For a Long Life

    09-09-29 A woman walks up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. I couldn't help noticing how happy you look, she says. What's your secret for a long, happy life? I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and ne...