• I know 你不说我也知道

    22-01-12 别人告诉你一件事,你想要表达我知道了,第一反应是不是I know? 但如果这样回应的话,你在对方眼里可能会显得有些不礼貌噢。 为什么不用I know? 因为I know很多时候并不是我知道,而是指你不说我也知道!,带点傲娇和不耐烦的情绪。一般用于打断对方,比较没有礼貌。...

  • things are looking up 情况开始好转

    21-04-25 表达 things are looking up 的意思是 情况开始改善 或 事情有所好转。在经历了一段低谷或一系列负面事件后,情况开始好转,事情渐有起色时,就可以用这个固定搭配来表示 情况正在朝积极的方向发展。 例句 My brother had a terrible start to the year. He broke his...

  • 门庭若市

    13-09-22 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace is used to indicate at a gate or a courtyard that is as crowded as a marketplace. It indicates that there are a lot of people. In the Warring States Period, Zou Ji who was the prime minister of the Qi State wa...

  • 研究:长得帅薪水也高

    13-03-15 A handsome man can earn a fifth more than a plainer colleague but a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more than her average-looking colleague, new research has shown. 新研究表明,帅哥比长相普通的同事薪水多出五分之一,但美女赚的钱却不会比相貌平平的...

  • 婴儿会“看学互长”

    12-12-05 Researchers at the University of Iowa have documented an activity by infants that begins nearly from birth: They learn by taking inventory of the things they see. In a new paper, the psychologists contend that infants create knowledge by looking at...

  • 世界女性“大众脸”面面观

    11-02-20 Describing someone as average-looking is rarely seen as a compliment. 形容哪个人长着一张大众脸很少被看作赞美。 Most of us would be quite happy to look like a computer-generated depiction of the 'average' English woman, Welsh woman, or even the avera...

  • 俊男靓女智商高

    11-01-23 Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well. 长得好看的男人和女人似乎常常拥有幸运的人生,如今研究显示他们还比大多数人都聪明。 Studies in Britain and America ha...
