• 气候变暖可能导致人类体型缩小

    22-06-10 据英国《卫报》6月7日报道,生物学家表示气候危机可能导致人类体型缩小,因为体型较小的哺乳动物似乎能够更好地适应全球气候变暖。爱丁堡大学古生物学家史蒂夫布鲁萨特教授称,变小是哺乳动物应对气候变化的常见方式。 The climate crisis may lead the human race to...

  • 侏罗纪时期哺乳动物夜间视力进化史

    16-06-21 Early mammals evolved in a burst during the Jurassic period, adapting a nocturnal lifestyle when dinosaurs were the dominant daytime predator. How these early mammals evolved night vision to find food and survive has been a mystery, but a new study...

  • 阿拉斯加海洋哺乳动物体内检测到藻毒素

    16-02-14 Toxins from harmful algae are present in Alaskan marine food webs in high enough concentrations to be detected in marine mammals such as whales, walruses, sea lions, seals, porpoises and sea otters, according to new research from NOAA and its federa...

  • 人类是大型兽类灭绝的主要原因

    15-08-17 Early humans were the dominant cause of the extinction of a variety of species of giant beasts, new research has revealed. Scientists at the universities of Exeter and Cambridge claim their research settles a prolonged debate over whether mankind or...

  • 侏罗纪中期哺乳动物的进化速度最快

    15-07-21 Mammals were evolving up to ten times faster in the middle of the Jurassic than they were at the end of the period, coinciding with an explosion of new adaptations, new research shows. Early mammals lived alongside the dinosaurs during the Mesozoic...

  • 三角恐龙牙齿的复杂性

    15-06-08 When it comes to the three-horned dinosaur called the Triceratops, science is showing the ancient creatures might have been a little more complex than we thought. In fact, their teeth were far more intricate than any reptile or mammal living today....

  • 遗传学上讲 哺乳动物长相更像父亲

    15-03-03 You might resemble or act more like your mother, but a novel research study from UNC School of Medicine researchers reveals that mammals are genetically more like their dads. Specifically, the research shows that although we inherit equal amounts of...

  • 古代犀牛的近亲是亲水性动物

    14-10-09 The discovery of new bones from a large land mammal that lived about 48 million years ago has led scientists to identify a new branch of mammals closely related to modern horses, rhinos, and tapirs, according to a study published October 8, 2014 in...

  • 古代曾有刺猬生存于不列颠哥伦比亚

    14-07-09 The Earth has experienced many dramatic changes in climate since the dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago. One of the warmest periods was the early Eocene Epoch, 50 to 53 million years ago. During this interval, North American mammal communit...