• 科学家正寻找对环境安全的新兴技术

    12-03-23 The percentage of electronic waste occupying our landfills has grown at an alarming rate over the last decade, giving rise to concerns about the toxicity of components used in consumer electronics. Researchers at the University of Florida are lookin...

  • 3D打印机制作类骨材料

    11-12-01 It looks like bone. It feels like bone. For the most part, it acts like bone. And it came off an inkjet printer(喷墨式打印机) . Washington State University researchers have used a 3-D printer to create a bone-like material and structure that can b...

  • 新式材料铒氯硅酸盐研制成功

    11-11-18 Arizona State University researchers have created a new compound crystal material that promises to help produce advances in a range of scientific and technological pursuits. ASU electrical engineering professor Cun-Zheng Ning says the material, call...

  • 西北大学研制出新型兆赫隐形材料

    11-09-06 Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new kind of cloaking material that can render objects invisible in the terahertz(兆赫) range. Though this design can't translate into an invisibility cloak for the visible spectrum, it could ha...

  • 荷兰研制出防弹人造皮肤

    11-08-21 荷兰研究人员最近用基因改良后的山羊奶和蜘蛛丝研制出了能够抵御子弹的人造皮肤。 It might look like a poorly drawn picture of an alien, but this is actually one of the most advanced types of skin ever made - that can even stop bullets. It might look lik...

  • 新式同步加速技术可“隔墙探物”

    11-05-30 Scientists from Finland and France have developed a new synchrotron(同步加速器) X-ray technique that may revolutionize the chemical analysis of rare materials like meteoric rock samples or fossils. The results have been published on 29 May 2011 in...

  • 研究人员创造出兆赫隐形斗篷

    11-04-28 Researchers at Northwestern University have created a new kind of cloaking material that can render objects invisible in the terahertz(兆赫) range. Though this design can't translate into an invisibility cloak for the visible spectrum, it could ha...

  • 新型食品包装纸研制成功

    11-01-20 Scientists are reporting development and successful lab tests of killer paper, a material intended for use as a new food packaging material that helps preserve foods by fighting the bacteria that cause spoilage(损坏,糟蹋) . The paper, described i...

  • 废气发电研究取得突破

    11-01-19 Researchers at Northwestern University have placed nanocrystals of rock salt into lead telluride(碲化铅) , creating a material that can harness electricity from heat-generating items such as vehicle exhaust systems(排气系统) , industrial process...

  • 冷冻烟雾新型材料问世

    11-01-13 Scientists are reporting the development of a new, ultra-light form of frozen smoke renowned as the world's lightest solid material with amazing strength and an incredibly large surface area. The new so-called multiwalled carbon nanotube (MCNT) aero...