• 用英语谈“吃”

    21-10-02 你热爱美食吗?要想吃遍全球,掌握各语言中表示不同食物的词汇非常重要。英语中和食品有关的词汇和表达数不胜数。你了解多少?做下面《英语小测验》中的六道题,丰富你的 美食 英语词汇! 1. In British English, something sweet that is eaten at the end of a meal...

  • bag lady 无家可归的女子

    21-08-30 Bag lady: A homeless woman, especially one in a big city, who carries her possessions with her, as in a shopping bag. 无家可归的女子,她们通常生活在大城市,把自己的东西背在购物袋中。 Bag it: Literally, to put or take something in a bag, such as groc...

  • whatever floats your boat 想做什么就做什么,随意

    21-08-12 我们可以用短语 whatever floats your boat 来形容想做什么就做什么,随意。 例句 Its your birthday. We can go to the theatre or have a meal in a posh restaurant. Whatever floats your boat. Peter is a ladies man but if you still want to go out with him,...

  • a square meal 一顿饱饭

    21-07-12 英语表达 a square meal 其实和正方形 square完全没有关系。在这里,square 我们可以理解为实在的,真实的。这个表达的实际含义是一顿饱饭,指吃的东西非常丰盛,能够填饱肚子。人们经常会用three square meals这个搭配来表示一天三顿饱饭。 例句 During this weeks su...

  • get down to business 言归正传

    21-06-16 Get down to business 是日常会话中很常用的英语表达。它的意思是 进入正题、言归正传,用来建议开始着手讨论正事或处理手头的事情。 例句 Right, now that everyone has met, lets get down to business. 好了,现在大家都互相认识了,我们就进入正题吧。 OK, we have...

  • wolf down 狼吞虎咽

    21-05-09 由于 狼 wolves 这种动物在享用猎物的时候速度快,所以表达 wolf down 就用来形容人吃饭速度快,吃得也多,也就是汉语里常说的 狼吞虎咽。除了 wolf down 以外,还可以说 wolf down the meal 或 wolf the meal down, 意思相同。 例句 Im so hungry after doing exerci...

  • 长期夜间断食似乎有助促进新陈代谢

    21-04-24 If your phone needs a software upgrade, you would likely run the installations when its fully charged. Otherwise, your phone and its software would take longer to sync. 如果你的手机需要升级软件,你应该会在手机完全充电后再安装。否则,手机和软件同步会...

  • 金钱能买来幸福吗?

    21-02-24 你同意金钱买不来幸福这个观点吗?一项新的研究结果发现在特定的环境中,有时花费金钱确实可以买来开心。 What would make you happy? Really happy? A nice holiday, lazing on a tropical beach? Maybe a blowout meal with friends at a swanky restaurant? Or poss...

  • 各种声音的英文说法

    20-10-21 打嗝 belch v.\n.打嗝; v.喷出 注重动态 He belched loudly, and his girlfriend said, Thats disgusting!. 他打了个很响的嗝,他的女朋友说:好恶心啊! burp 饱嗝儿,打嗝vi.vt.打饱嗝 注重吃的很饱 Tom burped loudly after the nice meal. 吃了一顿好饭之后,汤姆打...

  • 自种食物

    20-10-11 We all need to eat, and when we go to buy food at the supermarket, were spoilt for choice in the range of items available that can be turned into a delicious meal. But we often purchase food thats been mass-produced and thats travelled many miles be...