• 记忆是如何被保存的

    11-07-10 As any student who's had to study for multiple exams can tell you, trying to learn two different sets of facts one after another is challenging. As you study for the physics exam, almost inevitably some of the information for the history exam is for...

  • 错误的记忆如何产生

    11-07-01 How easy is it to falsify(伪造,篡改) memory? New research at the Weizmann Institute shows that a bit of social pressure may be all that is needed. The study, which appears Friday in Science, reveals a unique pattern of brain activity when false m...

  • 共同的记忆可以维持多久

    11-04-28 Several years ago, Suparna Rajaram noticed a strange sort of contagion(传染病,蔓延) in a couple she was close to. One partner acquired dementiaand the other lost the nourishing pleasures of joint reminiscence(回忆,怀旧) . When the other person...

  • 老年人住院可能遭受暂时记忆丧失

    11-04-15 Battling an illness, lack of sleep and strange surroundings can make any hospital patient feel out of sorts(心情不佳,身体不适) . For seniors, hospitalizations actually may cause temporary memory loss and difficulty in understanding discharge inst...

  • 酒精能提高记忆力

    11-04-13 Drinking alcohol primes certain areas of our brain to learn and remember better, says a new study from the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research at The University of Texas at Austin. The common view that drinking is bad for learning and...

  • 长期记忆是如何形成的?

    11-03-21 You may remember the color of your loved one's eyes for years. But how? Scientists believe that long-term potentiation(增强作用) (LTP) the long-lasting increase of signals across a connection between brain cells -- underlies our ability to remembe...

  • 《盗梦空间》经典台词

    11-03-08 I can't stay with her anymore because she doesn't exist. I wish. I wish more than anything. But I can't imagine you with all your complexity, all you perfection, all your imperfection. Look at you. You are just a shade of my real wife. You're the be...

  • Best Memory

    11-02-11 Three guys are debating who has the best memory. The first guy says, I can remember the first day of my First Grade class. The second guy says, I can remember my first day at Nursery School(幼儿园) ! Not to be outdone(胜过,优于) , the third guy...

  • 铱可用于改进闪存速度与容量

    10-12-15 One of the rarest metals on Earth may be an excellent option for enabling future flash memory chips to continue to increase in speed and density, according to a group of researchers in Taiwan. Incorporating nanocrystals of iridium(铱) into the cri...

  • 短期记忆能力与智商无关

    10-11-30 One person correctly remembers four of eight items just seen but is fuzzy(模糊的,失真的) on details. Another person recalls only two of the items but with amazingly precise clarity. So what ability translates to higher IQ? According to a Universi...