• 许多动物与微生物存在共生关系

    14-04-16 Like humans, many animals depend on beneficial microbes for survival. Although such symbioses(共生) can persist for millions of years, the factors maintaining their long-term stability remain, in most cases, unknown. Scientists from the Max Planck...

  • 2.5亿年前的物种大灭绝由细菌引起

    14-04-02 Evidence left at the crime scene is abundant and global: Fossil remains show that sometime around 252 million years ago, about 90 percent of all species on Earth were suddenly wiped out -- by far the largest of this planet's five known mass extincti...

  • 古代的甲烷生成菌已可以进行光合作用

    14-02-08 An international team of researchers led by scientists at Virginia Tech and the University of California, Berkeley has discovered that a process that turns on photosynthesis(光合作用) in plants likely developed on Earth in ancient microbes 2.5 bil...

  • 地下岩层中的生命

    13-12-10 Scientists are digging deep into Earth's surface collecting census data on the microbial denizens(居民) of the hardened rocks. What they're finding is that, even miles deep and halfway across the globe, many of these communities are somehow quite...

  • 细菌如何在冰冻环境中生存

    13-10-11 Most microbial researchers grow their cells in petri-dishes to study how they respond to stress and damaging conditions. But, with the support of funding from NASA, researchers in LSU's Department of Biological Sciences tried something almost unhear...

  • 细菌影响宿主的进化

    13-07-19 You are not just yourself. You are also the thousands of microbes that you carry. In fact, they represent an invisible majority that may be more you than you realize. These microscopic fellow travelers are collectively called the microbiome. Realiza...

  • 地球上的最后生物将是微生物

    13-07-05 The last surviving creatures on Earth will be tiny organisms living deep underground, according to scientists. 科学家认为,地球上最后生存的生物将是生活在地下深处的微生物,因为随着太阳变得越来越热,越来越亮,只有细菌才能在这种极端条件下苟延残喘。 Res...

  • 全球变暖影响微生物生存

    13-06-28 Arizona State University researchers have discovered for the first time that temperature determines where key soil microbes can thrive -- microbes that are critical to forming topsoil(表层土) crusts in arid lands. And of concern, the scientists pr...

  • 人类肠道会选择培养有益细菌

    12-11-21 Animals, including humans, actively select the gut microbes that are the best partners and nurture them with nutritious secretions(分泌物) , suggests a new study led by Oxford University, and published November 20 in the open-access journal PLOS B...

  • 土壤细菌对气候变化的影响没有预想的严重

    10-04-27 In dark, rich soils on every continent, microbes(细菌,微生物) dealing with the effects of climate change aren't accelerating(促进的,加速的) global warming the way scientists had predicted, a study by researchers at the University of California...