• JOMO=Joy of Missing Out 错过的喜悦

    22-02-08 Hundo P 当你百分之百确定某件事时,可以用这个说法。 请看例句: Wanna go to the beach? No, hundo p its gonna rain. 要去海边吗?不要,100%会下雨。 JOMO=Joy of Missing Out (错过的喜悦)简写,也延伸出一个人离开大众做舒服的事情之意。 例句:I had a great...

  • 中国每年走失老人约50万

    16-11-02 More than 1,300 elderly people go missing in China every day -- 500,000 per year, a new report claims. 一份最新报告显示:我国每年走失老人约50万人,平均每天就有超过1300名老人走失。 Senior citizens aged 65 or over account for up to 80% of missing elde...

  • FOGO 社交恐惧症

    16-01-08 FOGO refers to the dread of going out, particularly if one is tired from previous socializing; the desire to not attend a popular event that is over-hyped or over-commercialized. 社交恐惧症指害怕外出,尤其如果某人因此前的社交活动而对外出感到厌倦;不...

  • Fomo 聚会控

    12-11-26 在国外学习的主题之一是学习、工作,主题之二就是参加各种聚会了。在欧美的大学,每周甚至每天都会有层出不穷的官方或者非官方聚会,当然多数是AA制的。想要把这些聚会都混下来,没有相当的体力、空闲时间和经济实力是不可能的。然而这些聚会能带给人什么呢?一口流利...

  • 人生在于完整

    11-10-21 Once a circle missed a wedge(楔子) . The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with wor...

  • 菲律宾发生两船相撞事故,多人失踪

    09-12-24 At least 27 people are missing after a passenger ferry collided with a fishing boat in the Philippines, officials say. 菲律宾一艘客渡船与渔船相撞,造成至少27人失踪。 The wooden- hulled船身的,有壳的 ferry and the fishing boat were between them carry...

  • Missing girl 'found 18 years on' 失踪女孩18年后被发现

    09-08-28 A US woman found after being abducted as a girl in 1991 gave birth to two children fathered by her alleged kidnapper, police say. 美国警方称,一位1991年被拐走的女孩、现在已经是拐骗者两个孩子母亲的妇女被发现。 There have been few clues as to Jaycee L...

  • Russia finds missing cargo ship 俄罗斯寻回丢失的货船

    09-08-18 Russia says it has found a missing cargo vessel near the Cape Verde islands and retrieved its Russian crew. 俄罗斯称已经在佛得角群岛附近找到丢失的载货船并寻回船员。 The Arctic Sea went missing in mysterious circumstances last month Defence Minister...
