• 有机分子可稳定材料磁性

    15-07-24 Organic molecules allow producing printable electronics and solar cells with extraordinary properties. In spintronics, too, molecules open up the unexpected possibility of controlling the magnetism of materials and, thus, the spin of the flowing ele...

  • 麻省科学家创造出超冷分子

    15-06-13 The air around us is a chaotic superhighway of molecules whizzing through space and constantly colliding with each other at speeds of hundreds of miles per hour. Such erratic molecular behavior is normal at ambient temperatures. But scientists have...

  • 合成分子能发挥抗体的功能

    14-12-18 A Yale University lab has crafted the first synthetic molecules that have both the targeting and response functions of antibodies. The new molecules -- synthetic antibody mimics (SyAMs) -- attach themselves simultaneously to disease cells and diseas...

  • 硅化合物的电磁辐射

    14-11-14 Silicon, which is one of the most common elements in Earth's crust, is also sprinkled abundantly throughout interstellar space. The only way to identify silicon-containing molecules in the far corners of the cosmos -- and to understand the chemistry...

  • 液氦是生成带电分子的新选择

    14-10-27 A collaboration between researchers at the Universities of Leicester and Innsbruck has developed a completely new way of forming charged molecules which offers tremendous potential for new areas of chemical research. Professor Andrew Ellis from our...

  • 地球大气是复杂的分子舞蹈

    14-09-28 Earth's atmosphere is a complicated dance of molecules. The chemical output of plants, animals and human industry rise into the air and pair off in sequences of chemical reactions. Such processes help maintain the atmosphere's chemical balance; for...

  • 细胞合成核糖体时缺失的环节

    14-06-24 Biologists at UC San Diego have found the missing link in the chemical system that enables animal cells to produce ribosomes(核糖体) -- the thousands of protein factories contained within each cell that manufacture all of the proteins needed to bu...

  • 杀不死你的东西可能会让你活得更久

    14-05-09 What is the secret to aging more slowly and living longer? Not antioxidants, apparently. Many people believe that free radicals, the sometimes-toxic molecules produced by our bodies as we process oxygen, are the culprit behind aging. Yet a number of...

  • 陨石或曾为地球带来维生素B3

    14-04-19 Ancient Earth might have had an extraterrestrial supply of vitamin B3 delivered by carbon-rich meteorites, according to a new analysis by NASA-funded researchers. The result supports a theory that the origin of life may have been assisted by a suppl...

  • 人类具有辨别一万亿种气味的能力

    14-03-24 In a world perfumed by freshly popped popcorn and exhaust fumes, where sea breezes can mingle with the scents of sweet flowers or wet paint, new research shows that humans are capable of discriminating at least one trillion different odors. Howard H...