• 心碎综合征

    21-06-23 当一个人感到伤心时,通常会说我的心都碎了。虽然这只是一种比喻,人的心脏并不会因为悲伤的情绪碎裂成片,但是却可能出现心碎综合征。 心碎综合征是指人在经历重大外部事件打击时,会产生极其哀伤、悲痛或愤怒的心理,同时出现了类似于心脏疾病的症状,比如会有胸痛、...

  • 水可帮助生物纤维集获取阳光

    17-03-23 When it comes to water, some materials have a split personality - and some of these materials could hold the key to new ways of harnessing solar energy. These small assemblies of organic molecules have parts that are hydrophobic, or water-fearing, w...

  • 有选择地定序DNA片段

    16-07-26 Scientists at The University of Nottingham have demonstrated for the first time that it is possible to selectively sequence fragments of DNA in real time, greatly reducing the time needed to analyse biological samples. A paper published today in the...

  • 为何没有水就没有生命

    16-06-21 Scientists are getting closer to directly observing how and why water is essential to life as we know it. A study in this weeks Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides the strongest evidence yet that proteins--the large and complex...

  • 星际空间中探测到手性分子

    16-06-16 Like a pair of human hands, certain organic molecules have mirror-image versions of themselves, a chemical property known as chirality. These so-called handed molecules are essential for biology and have intriguingly been found in meteorites on Eart...

  • 碳-氢键是有机合成的重要捷径

    16-05-12 Chemists have taken another major step in the quest to use carbon-hydrogen bonds to create new molecules, a strategy that aims to revolutionize the field of organic synthesis. The journal Nature is publishing the work by chemists at Emory University...

  • 化学上1-1不总得到0

    16-04-28 In the world of chemistry, one minus one almost always equals zero. But new research from Northwestern University and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France shows that is not always the case. And the discovery will change...

  • 银河系中第二大黑洞

    16-01-16 A team of astronomers led by Tomoharu Oka, a professor at Keio University in Japan, has found an enigmatic gas cloud, called CO-0.40-0.22, only 200 light years away from the center of the Milky Way. What makes CO-0.40-0.22 unusual is its surprisingl...

  • 电脑模型解释单分子如何进化为复杂的生命

    15-07-29 Nearly four billion years ago, the earliest precursors of life on Earth emerged. First small, simple molecules, or monomers, banded together to form larger, more complex molecules, or polymers. Then those polymers developed a mechanism that allowed...