• 太阳风粒子可能是月球土壤中水的来源

    12-10-15 The most likely source of the water locked inside soils on the moon's surface is the constant stream of charged particles from the sun known as the solar wind, a University of Michigan researcher and his colleagues have concluded. Over the last five...

  • 虞美人

    12-07-04 When will there be no more moon and spring flowers 春花秋月何时了, For me who had so many memorable hours? 往事知多少。 My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand 小楼昨夜又东风, Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land. 故国不堪回首月明中...

  • 宇宙射线改变了月球上冰的化学成分

    12-03-20 Space scientists from the University of New Hampshire and multi-institutional colleagues report they have quantified levels of radiation on the moon's surface from galactic cosmic ray (GCR) bombardment(轰炸,炮击) that over time causes chemical ch...

  • 美宇航局观测近期月球地质活动

    12-02-22 New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft show the moon's crust(外壳) is being stretched, forming minute valleys in a few small areas on the lunar surface. Scientists propose this geologic(地质的) activity occurred les...

  • 月亮不是地球唯一的卫星

    11-12-24 美国康奈尔大学的研究人员称,月亮不是唯一围绕地球轨道运行的天体。其它更小一些的物体也一直有规律的运行在地球轨道上,有时它们会离开几个月,但仍然会回来继续绕地运行。 Researchers at Cornell University say that what we know as the Moon is in fact not the...

  • 俄罗斯发射火卫一探测器

    11-11-09 Russia has launched an audacious bid to scoop up rock and dust samples from the Martian moon Phobos and bring them back to Earth for study. 俄罗斯已经启动一项冒险计划从火星卫星火卫一上取得岩石尘土标本带回地球。 The dusty debris should provide fresh...

  • 娄山关

    11-09-06 Loushan Pass Fierce the west wind, Wild geese cry under the frosty morning moon. Under the frosty morning moon Horses' hooves clattering, Bugles sobbing low. Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron, With firm strides we are crossing its summit....

  • 横槊赋诗

    11-09-02 This is a story from Kingdoms. After suppressing the separatist(分离主义的) forces in the north and taking control of the court, Cao Cao led his 830,000-strong army to the north bank of the Yangtze River, aiming to destroy Sun Quan and Liu Bei who...

  • 月球年龄比预想值小

    11-08-18 Earth's Moon could be younger than previously thought, according to new research from a team that includes Carnegie's Richard Carlson and former-Carnegie fellow Maud Boyet. Their work will be published online in Nature on August 17. The prevailing(...

  • An Interesting Answer 有趣的回答

    11-08-18 Teacher: Which is farther away---Australia or the moon? Bobby: Australia. Teacher: Why do you say that? Bobby:We can see the moon, but we can't see Australia. 教师:澳大利亚和月球哪个离我们更远一些? 勃比:澳大利亚。 教师:你为什么这么说呢? 勃比:...