• Under the Lilacs - Chapter 22

    21-01-21 It was some days before the children were tired of talking over Bens birthday party; for it was a great event in their small world; but, gradually, newer pleasures came to occupy their minds, and they began to plan the nutting frolics which always f...

  • 科学家发现控制蚊子数量新方法

    19-07-30 Chinese scientists have developed a new method to control the population of mosquitoes, the Science and Technology Daily reported Monday. 《科技日报》周一报道,中国科学家发现一种控制蚊子数量的新方法。 Scientists from the Sun Yat-Sen University have...

  • 能追踪蚊子踪迹的APP

    16-05-14 Smartphones are being used to combat the dreaded mosquito in Italy, with a new app that tracks the location of the blood-sucking pests. 意大利人很怕蚊子,于是用上智能手机来抵御蚊害:一种新开发的应用程序将能追踪到这种吮血物种的形迹。 The free app, ca...

  • 改变蚊子的遗传基因可能控制寨卡病毒传播

    16-03-15 Genetic cues from male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes passed on during sex affect which genes are turned on or off in a females' reproductive tract post-mating, including genes related to blood feeding, egg development and immune defense, according to new...

  • 蚊子依靠视觉味觉热感寻找宿主

    15-07-21 On summer evenings, we try our best to avoid mosquito bites by dousing our skin with bug repellents and lighting citronella candles. These efforts may keep the mosquitoes at bay for a while, but no solution is perfect because the pests have evolved...

  • 蚊子特别喜欢叮你 其实与基因有关

    15-05-06 If you frequently find yourself covered in mosquito bites, while others escape without so much as an itch, you can blame your genes. 如果你发现蚊子特别喜欢叮你,而其他人都安然无恙,这其实与你的基因有关。 For British scientists have discovered eviden...

  • 温度升高会加速疟疾的传播

    14-03-10 Researchers have debated for more than two decades the likely impacts, if any, of global warming on the worldwide incidence of malaria(疟疾) , a mosquito-borne disease that infects more than 300 million people each year. Now, University of Michiga...

  • 疟疾疫苗有望2015年问世

    13-10-09 British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline is seeking regulatory approval for the world's first malaria vaccine after trial data showed that it had cut the number of cases in African children. 英国制药公司葛兰素史克正在寻求管理机构批准生产世界上首款疟疾疫苗...