• 麻省理工新技术——用手势就能控制无人机

    20-05-07 麻省理工学院的计算机科学和人工智能实验室发布了一个正在进行的项目的视频,利用肌肉信号输入控制设备。最新进展是对无人机进行全面精细控制,只用手和胳膊的动作就能控制它穿过一系列圆环。无人驾驶是这项技术在现实中另一个用处很大的领域。 MITs Computer Science...

  • 科学家有望研制出长肌肉并远离肥胖的药物

    17-05-07 A study found that suppressing production of the protein myostatin increased muscle mass. 一项研究发现,阻止肌肉生长抑制蛋白的生成可以提升肌肉质量。 Although the research was conducted in mice, the team hopes it will lead to human treatments. Lead r...

  • bigorexia 恐瘦症

    15-10-29 Muscle dysmorphia, also known as bigorexia , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK, according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被...

  • 蠕虫肌肉与椎间盘突出

    14-09-16 Thoughts of the family tree may not be uppermost in the mind of a person suffering from a slipped disc, but those spinal discs provide a window into our evolutionary past. They are remnants of the first vertebrate skeleton, whose origins now appear...

  • 为何我们对生鱼片趋之若鹜

    14-06-08 Raw fish is sizzling hot right now. 生鱼片现在可是炙手可热。 Los Angeles has brand new bars devoted to an Italian style of raw fish, called crudo. President Obama kicked off his visit to Asia last month noshing(点心,小吃) nigiri(生鱼片寿司) at...

  • 豆蛋白与乳蛋白能提高肌肉质量

    14-04-28 A new study published online in the Journal of Applied Physiology shows additional benefits of consuming a blend of soy and dairy proteins after resistance exercise for building muscle mass. Researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch fo...

  • 酗酒会导致肌肉力量衰竭

    14-04-23 Muscle weakness is a common symptom of both long-time alcoholics and patients with mitochondrial(线粒体的) disease. Now researchers have found a common link: mitochondria that are unable to self-repair. The results will be published online April 2...

  • skinny fat 浑身肥肉的瘦子

    14-01-16 If someone have skinny look but is all flabby underneath, you can call him a skinny fat . When you touch skinny fat, your touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. 如果一个人看起来瘦瘦的,但浑身的肉却软趴趴的,你可以称他为浑身肥肉的瘦子。...

  • 90岁老人进行力量训练的益处

    13-09-30 After doing specific training for 12 weeks, people over the age of 90 improved their strength, power and muscle mass. This was reflected in an increase in their walking speed, a greater capacity to get out of their chairs, an improvement in their ba...

  • 发挥潜力 创造无限

    13-05-14 My skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate(停滞) , rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential. Only a small portion of my brain do I employ; only a paltry(不足取的) amount of my muscles do I flex. A hundred...