• adult nursery 成人托儿所

    22-04-07 An adult nursery with giant cribs, man-sized nappies and grown men dressed as babies has moved to Bootle, UK. Adult babies like role-playing and regressing to a child-like state. 英国布特尔近日迎来一家成人托儿所。这家成人托儿所有非常大的婴儿床,成人...

  • 丹麦幼儿园新服务鼓励父母“造人”

    12-09-17 丹麦中部城市一些幼儿园近期推出了一项难以拒绝的优惠服务,他们将在周四晚上免费提供两小时儿童看护服务,目的是为了让这些孩子的父母有时间多造人。 A group of nursery workers in central Denmark have made parents an offer that they might find hard to refuse...

  • 巴拿马发掘出绝种巨鲨“托儿所”

    10-05-18 The six-foot-long babies of the world's biggest shark species, Carcharocles(噬人鲨) megalodon(巨齿鲨) , frolicked in the warm shallow waters of an ancient shark nursery in what is now Panama, report paleontologists(古生物学者) working at the S...
