• 种族歧视可能导致肥胖

    14-03-21 一项研究指出,非裔美国妇女肥胖率高与种族歧视的言论和态度有关。研究称,遭受种族歧视会造成严重的心理压力,从而导致肥胖。研究表明,经常承受压力会导致重要的神经内分泌功能失调,进而引发体内多余脂肪的储存。 For African-American women, being the target of...

  • IRX3可能是“肥胖基因”

    14-03-14 Mutations within the gene FTO have been implicated as the strongest genetic determinant(遗传定子) of obesity risk in humans, but the mechanism behind this link remained unknown. Now, an international team of scientists has discovered that the obes...

  • 吃快餐的10大害处

    14-02-21 Eight in 10 Americans eat fast food at least once a month and half eat it every week according, to a Gallup Poll. Yet most people who eat fast foodknow it's bad for them. So why do they keep eating it? 根据盖洛普民意测验,10个美国人里面有8个至少每个...

  • 大脑中一种蛋白质可能导致肥胖

    14-01-09 A new neuroscience study sheds light on the biological underpinnings of obesity. The in vivo study, published in the January 8 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, reveals how a protein in the brain helps regulate food intake and body weight. The f...

  • 肥胖会导致肝硬化

    13-12-27 Doctor Jude Oben had grim news for a patient last week. The liver expert told the 60-year-old man that he had cirrhosis - for the second time in his life. 裘德奥本医生是一位肝脏病专家,上周他带给一位60岁的病人一个坏消息他又一次患上了肝硬化。这已经是...

  • 美国发明能帮助调节饮食的内衣

    13-12-06 最近的研究表明半数美国人抱怨他们在压力大的时候会过度饮食,以至于吃太多增加体重,发现体重增加后压力又变大了。微软研究院的工程师和设计师们最近发明了一种用特殊材料做成的可以感应穿着者心情并帮助她们调节饮食的胸罩。 Despite all the related problems which...

  • 冬季室温高有利于减轻体重

    13-11-30 一项新的研究显示,居住在温暖房间里的人比起那些整个冬天都冻得瑟瑟发抖的人肥胖的可能性更小,他们的体重指数趋于较低水平。 Scientists fear rising energy bills may lead to an increase in obesity after discovering a link between poorly-heated homes and hi...

  • 超重可能预示女生早熟

    13-11-11 New research shows obesity is the largest predictor of earlier puberty in girls, which is affecting white girls much sooner than previously reported. 新的研究结果显示,超重是女生早熟最明显的预警因素,并且相比之前的报道,超重对白人女生早熟的影响更迅...

  • 体育课可以减少肥胖的可能性

    13-05-21 Little is known about the effect of physical education (PE) on child weight, but a new study from Cornell University finds that increasing the amount of time that elementary schoolchildren spent in gym class reduces the probability of obesity. The s...

  • 形容“胖”的词汇

    13-05-13 plump/chubby 胖乎乎/胖嘟嘟 flabby 肌肉不结实 big-boned 魁梧的 bulky 人又高大又肥胖 chunky/tubby/dumpy 矮胖子 heavy-set 敦实的 stout 粗壮结实 obese 超胖的 obesity 肥胖症 fat/corpulent 肥胖的 overweight 超重的 gain/put on weight 增重 lose/reduce weigh...