• 俄罗斯公司用草莓味柏油材料铺设一段道路

    22-07-08 很多人路过正在施工的柏油马路时都会加快脚步,因为受不了那种难闻的气味。不过以后你可能不必再忍受了。近日俄罗斯一家公司试验用草莓味柏油材料铺设了一段道路,这种柏油路不但不难闻,还有甜甜的草莓味。 A company in Russias Leningrad region recently laid a sm...

  • 日本公司发明体臭检测器

    18-07-14 Body odor is a very serious issue, so serious in fact that there is actually a market for high-tech devices that alert users if they start to stink. 体臭是相当严重的一个问题,事实上,能够提醒用户是否有体臭的高科技产品还是挺有市场的。 The problem wit...

  • 法国公司将开发新的体味香水生产线

    15-05-06 Thanks to a French company, it might soon be possible to store the comforting scent of a loved one forever. They plan to launch their new line of perfumes made from fragrances that people leave on their clothes, in September. 多亏一家法国公司,你不...

  • 婴儿通过气味感受母亲的恐惧

    14-07-30 Babies can learn what to fear in the first days of life just by smelling the odor(气味) of their distressed mothers, new research suggests. And not just natural fears: If a mother experienced something before pregnancy that made her fear something...

  • 香气会使女人更迷人

    14-06-08 据英国《每日邮报》报道,研究人员发现,如果从女人身上闻到香气,那么那个女人的脸看上去会更迷人。女人的脸在有香气时显得更漂亮是因为香气的愉悦和容貌的美丽都融合为同一个心理评价。 Women's faces become more attractive if a pleasant smell is present, resea...

  • 人呼出的CO2与身体气味都会招引蚊子

    13-12-06 Female mosquitoes, which can transmit deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus and filariasis, are attracted to us by smelling the carbon dioxide we exhale, being capable of tracking us down even from a distance. But once they get...
