• The Third Operation 第三次手术

    15-05-25 The patient was recovering after an operation. His friend came to visit him and asked how he was getting along. Well, the patient began, after my first operation they had to cut me open again. The doctor had to take out the sponge left in me. But yo...

  • A very simple operation 一个简单的手术

    14-03-24 A man was seen fleeing down the hall of the hospital just before his operation. What's the matter? he was asked. He said, I heard the nurse say, 'It's a very simple operation, don't worry, I'm sure it will be all right.' She was just trying to comfo...

  • 柯斯达康柯达号游艇被成功扶正

    13-09-17 Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, 20 months after it ran aground off the island of Giglio. 意大利的工程师们成功将柯斯达康柯达号游艇扶正,此时它已在吉廖岛海岸搁浅20个月。 They said that the unpreced...

  • 病人在全身麻醉手术中醒来的概率极低

    13-03-12 The risk of waking from a general anaesthetic while under the surgeon's knife is extremely small - about one in 15,000 - research reveals. 研究显示,全身麻醉、在医生手术刀下醒来的危险极小,大约1.5万分之一的几率。 Investigators surveyed 82% of the UK...

  • 意总理贝卢斯科尼将接受脸部整形手术

    11-03-08 Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has undergone face surgery to restore his jaw after an attack by a man in 2009, government officials say. 意大利政府官员称,总理贝卢斯科尼将要做脸部整形手术以修复2009年被一男子打伤的下巴。 They say the operat...

  • 沙特国王背部手术“很成功”

    10-11-25 Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has undergone a successful back operation in the US, according to media reports. 媒体报道称,沙特国王阿卜杜拉在美国成功进行了一次背部手术。 King Abdullah has complained several times recently about back pain The 86-year-...

  • 生物计量系统“不可靠”

    10-09-27 Biometric(生物计量的) systems -- designed to automatically recognize individuals based on biological and behavioral traits such as fingerprints, palm prints, or voice or face recognition -- are inherently fallible(不可靠的) , says a new report b...

  • 巴西被针刺幼童接受第二次手术

    09-12-24 A two-year-old Brazilian boy has undergone a second operation to remove sewing needles pushed into his body by his stepfather. 一名两岁的巴西幼童被其继父刺入体内数十根缝衣针,日前他正接受第二次手术以移除这些缝衣针。 X-rays showed some 30 sewing need...

  • 孟加拉联体女婴康复出院

    09-12-22 Two Bangladeshi girls, who up until last month were joined at the head, have left hospital. 到上月为止,头部都连在一起的两名孟加拉联体女婴,现已康复出院。 Trishna and Krishna were taken to Australia when they were very young The twins made a much be...

  • Always Thirsty 总感到口渴

    09-09-29 I had an operation, said a man to his friend, and the doctor left a sponge in me. That's terrible! said the friend. Got any pain? No, but I am always thirsty! 一个男人对他的朋友说:我动了一次手术,手术后医生把一块海绵忘在我的身体里了。 真是太糟糕了...