• 我国成人平均身高继续增长 肥胖问题凸显

    20-12-27 12月23日,国务院新闻办就《中国居民营养与慢性病状况报告(2020年)》有关情况举行发布会。 As the nations economy and power continue to grow, Chinese people are getting taller, but they are also putting on weight at a worrisome rate, according to the re...

  • 专家提议食品包装需注明运动量

    20-11-21 英国研究人员们称,食品包装上应标明一个人需要进行多少运动才能燃烧掉食品中所含的卡路里。多项探索性研究表明,这类食品标签可以帮助人们节制饮食。 More than two thirds of UK adults are now obese or overweight and experts say we urgently need new ways to g...

  • yo-yo dieting 溜溜球节食效应

    16-12-11 Scientists have confirmed that the majority of overweight people who try to lose weight either by cutting calories or exercising will return to their former size. 科学家日前证实,绝大多数尝试节食或运动减肥的肥胖人群体重都会反弹。 Fewer than 10 perce...

  • 泰国近一半僧侣超重引关注

    16-03-25 Steps are being taken in Thailand to wean Buddhist monks off unhealthy food after a study suggested that almost half of them are overweight. 泰国正在采取各种措施帮佛教僧侣们改掉不健康的饮食习惯,因为已有调查表明,近一半的泰国僧侣超重。 Jongjit Angka...

  • 肥胖会影响感知功能

    16-02-20 Research shows that being overweight distorts perception. 研究表明,过度肥胖会影响感知功能。 As a result, fat people see distances as being further and slopes as being steeper. This could put them off exercising and so leave them trapped in a viciou...

  • 伦敦地铁现针对胖子的侮辱性卡片

    15-12-04 A group claiming to call itself 'Overweight Haters Ltd' has been handing out abusive cards to commuters on London's underground rail network, branding them as fat and ugly. 一个自称超重者仇敌有限公司的组织在伦敦地铁上向通勤者分发侮辱性卡片,卡片上写...

  • 英国政府出台减肥激励计划

    14-11-02 Overweight people will be paid to lose weight, under radical new Government plans unveiled today to tackle the escalating obesity crisis. 为了应对日益严重的国民肥胖危机,英国政府近日出台了一项新的激励计划,提出肥胖者减肥将得到奖励。 Under the NHS-ba...

  • generation XL 超重的一代

    13-09-27 Generation XL refers to children or young adults who are overweight, XL refers to the size extra large in clothing. Generation XL指体重超重的儿童或年轻人,即超大码一代或超重的一代,XL代表衣服尺寸中的超大码。 Meet Generation XL. Like college freshmen...