• 水调歌头

    22-08-29 水调歌头 苏轼 明月几时有?把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。 起舞弄清影,何似在人间。 转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆? 人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。...

  • 《延禧攻略》10句扎心台词

    22-03-01 1. 我常听说宫里的事福祸相依,到底是好事还是祸事,还不一定呢! I often hear that in the palace the good things and bad things are closely associated. So, no one knows exactly what will happen. *andare closely associated:和息息相关 2. 在这个紫禁城里,...

  • without anybody being aware of 神不知鬼不觉

    21-03-22 神不知鬼不觉,中文俗语,字面意思是unknown to god or ghost,形容事情做得很秘密,别人一点也不知道。可以翻译为without anybody being aware of,not noticed by anyone等。 例句: 他们设法神不知鬼不觉地离开了海岸。 They managed to get away from the coast un...

  • 圆明园启动“修复1860”项目

    19-05-13 Beijings Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Old Summer Palace, has kicked off its Restoration 1860 project. 北京圆明园,即圆明园遗址,已启动修复1860项目。 This project is to restore the cultural relics unearthed in Yuanmingyuan and it is open to public...

  • 沈阳故宫展出清朝古董

    19-04-03 An exhibition of national treasures that includes 100 precious antiques from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) is being held at the Shenyang Palace Museum in northeast Chinas Liaoning Province. 100件清朝(1644-1911)古董在沈阳故宫进行展出。 Porcelain, la...

  • 故宫天灯拍出1060万

    19-04-03 A pair of historically accurate Heavenly Lanterns (tian deng) created by the Palace Museum sold for 10.6 million yuan (1.58 million U.S. dollars) at a charity auction Tuesday. 故宫制作的一对完全符合历史的天灯周二在一场慈善拍卖会上以1060万元(158万美...

  • 故宫将举办600年华诞展览

    19-03-05 The Palace Museum announced on Monday some of the exhibition plans to mark its 600th anniversary next year. 故宫博物院周一宣布明年将推出众多展览计划以庆祝600年华诞。 Starting from the second half of this year, more than 20 top-level exhibitions will...

  • 故宫2020年将展出《清明上河图》

    19-03-05 The Palace Museum, or the Forbidden City, is set to exhibit Along the River during the Qingming Festival, a key historical painting, in 2020, reports Chinanews.com. 中新网报道,故宫博物馆将于2020年展出《清明上河图》。 The museum made the announcemen...

  • 《延禧攻略》2018搜索频率最高的电视剧

    18-12-27 The Chinese costume drama Yanxi Palace was the most Googled television show in 2018, reports BBC News. BBC新闻报道,中国古装剧《延禧攻略》是2018年Google搜索频率最高的电视剧。 The show quickly became a hit in China, and became a topic of heated discu...

  • 故宫成世界最热门博物馆

    18-12-17 New figures show the Palace Museum, better known as the Forbidden City, has received 17 million visitors this year, making it the most visited museum in the world, reports Beijing Morning Post. 《北京晨报》报道,故宫博物院,人们更加熟知的紫禁城,今...