• 法庭常用词汇 4

    16-08-04 Negligence 失职,疏忽 Negligence of duty就是玩忽职守。 The accident was caused by negligence on the part of the driver. 事故是由于司机的过失造成的。 Not Guilty 无罪 He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity. 他以精神失常为理由获判无罪。 无罪的...

  • 美士兵屠杀16阿富汗平民 被判终生监禁

    13-08-24 The US soldier who murdered 16 Afghan villagers last year has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 杀害16名阿富汗村民的美国士兵被判终生监禁,不得假释。 Staff Sgt Robert Bales, 40, opened fire on men, children and women...
