• 寻找理想的伴侣

    21-02-25 为什么有些人会吸引我们?而我们对另一些人却毫无感觉,没有兴趣呢?专家说,容貌、性格甚至气味都会影响人们对可选择对象的感觉和喜爱程度。 Im sure we all remember a time when we fell in love. For some it was a gradual realisation that the person you knew...

  • 将来完成时和将来进行时

    20-12-13 英语中的将来完成时(future perfect)和将来进行时(future continuous)都是用来谈论未来事情的时态,那么应如何区分和正确使用它们呢?将来完成时用来说明某个事情会在未来的一个时间点之前完成,它的基本结构为:主语 + will + have + 动词的过去分词。将来进行时...

  • be a hard act to follow 很难超越,无法媲美

    20-11-18 人们用表达 be a hard act to follow 来形容一个人在某件事情上树立了一个很好的榜样,而其他人很难保持或达到同样的标准。你既可以用这个表达来形容某人的一次具体表现让人相形见绌,也可以用它来泛指 某人非常成功,让后来者望尘莫及。 例句 Its such a pity that Fa...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 8

    20-11-11 WHAT do you think Polly is going to do this winter? exclaimed Fanny, looking up from the letter she had been eagerly reading. Going to deliver lectures on Womans Rights, said the young gentleman who was carefully examining his luxuriant crop of deci...

  • 夸人漂亮的话怎么说

    20-10-14 Shes a ten. 十分,满分完美 相信很多人乍一听,会比较迷茫,不知所云。但是绝对不能直接翻译成她是十! 其实,这句话真正的意思是指某人十分完美,满分,跟perfect的意思差不多,相信很多女生听到这样的评价,心里一定乐开花了。 想想如果给某个很美的女生打分的话,...

  • Little Women - Chapter 13

    20-09-27 Laurie lay luxuriously swinging to and fro in his hammock one warm September afternoon, wondering what his neighbors were about, but too lazy to go and find out. He was in one of his moods, for the day had been both unprofitable and unsatisfactory,...

  • She/He just gets me 她/他真懂我

    20-09-02 She/He just gets me.(她/他真的很懂我。) 可以用来描述处于亲密友谊或恋情中的人们,互相非常了解对方。比如,可以用 She/He just gets me. 来形容好友非常了解自己,知道自己的喜好。这个表达方式可以突出说话人和 她/他 之间的关系很好、很密切。 例句 Grace is...

  • The Perfect Son 完美的儿子

    16-06-21 A: I have the perfect son. B: Does he smoke? A: No, he doesnt. B: Does he drink whiskey? A: No, he doesnt. B: Does he ever come home late? A: No, he doesnt. B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he? A: He will be six months old n...

  • purrfect 喵完美

    14-10-27 Purrfect refers to a perfect and delightful status when keeping cats accompany or looking at their cute pictures. 喵完美就是因为有了喵星人的陪伴或看到它们的萌照而享受到的令人愉悦的完美状态。 A cat named Tard the Grumpy Cat became famous overnight on...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 13

    14-07-23 Entering one of the doors which was standing open I found myself in a vast hall where forty young ladies, magnificently dressed, and of perfect beauty, were reclining. As soon as they saw me they rose and uttered words of welcome, and even forced me...