• The Godfather 教父 Chapter 6

    22-09-14 Peter Clemenza slept badly that night. In the morning he got up early and made his own breakfast of a glass of grappa, a thick slice of Genoa salami with a chunk of fresh Italian bread that was still delivered to his door as in the old days. Then he...

  • 撩妹的正确姿势

    22-05-23 Become confident, and the rest of the pickup game boils down to details. 首先要有自信,有了自信,成功撩妹就剩下细节问题了。 Have a line ready. 准备好搭讪词。 开门见山自我介绍是个不错的选择,当然你最好要有这样的颜 Perfect your body language. 肢体语言...

  • 夸人美-进阶版

    22-05-20 1.Breathtaking 这个词本身是形容美得让人窒息,常常说风景美到breathtaking,但是用来指人的话,那自然是非常非常漂亮而且又强调富有自然美,美的非常有格调了。有时候也可以这样说: She takes my breath away. 她美的让我无法呼吸了。 2.Charming 有没有这种人,一...

  • 夸人词汇——进阶版

    22-05-11 1.Breathtaking 这个词本身是形容美得让人窒息,常常说风景美到breathtaking,但是用来指人的话,那自然是非常非常漂亮而且又强调富有自然美,美的非常有格调了。有时候也可以这样说: She takes my breath away. 她美的让我无法呼吸了。 2.Charming 有没有这种人,一...

  • 夸人的时候可以切换自如

    22-03-01 1 Mr. Mcdreamy Mr. Mcdreamy可以指someone is delicious and hot(秀色可餐,让人流口水...) Mr. Mcdreamy is the boy who is perfect whom you cannot have. Mr. Mcdreamy (男神)指你无法拥有的完美至极的男人。 2 Dream man Dream man/the man of my dream,顾名思...

  • be meant to be together 天造地设

    22-02-22 1. be meant to be together 天造地设 你还可以说: 1 be meant for each other 2 perfect couple 3 match made in heaven 2. fall through 表示未发生;失败;落空。 We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through. 我们给房子找了个买家,结果买...