• 八成女性上传照片前要修图

    14-08-04 Eight out of ten women 'edit' their holiday snaps before uploading them to social media so only their slimmest angles are shared, according to new research. 最新调查显示,八成女性往社交网站上传照片之前,都会修图,好让朋友们看到自己苗条漂亮的一面。 M...

  • 龙卷风做婚纱照背景 疯狂浪漫

    14-07-11 加拿大一对新婚夫妇在拍摄婚纱照时,忽然身后出现了龙卷风,摄影师将这一幕拍了下来,让这对新人体验了一把终生难忘的疯狂浪漫。 A Canadian couple were posing for photographs on their wedding day Saturday when a tornado formed behind them, creating a set of...

  • 人们拍照片越多 感受和体验就越少

    14-05-30 一位心理学家指出,人们拍的照片越多,他们感受和体验的就越少,对拍照目标的细节也记得越模糊,她将其称为拍照效应。她说,在公园里给孩子拍照的那些家长,其实当时更不关心孩子,因为他们正在关心拍照这件事。结果,这些父母失去了拍照的那些时光。 Los Angeles blog...

  • 史前灭绝植物莱式蕨的模拟图

    14-04-14 Jeff Benca is an admitted ber-geek when it comes to prehistoric plants, so it was no surprise that, when he submitted a paper describing a new species of long-extinct lycopod(石松植物) for publication, he ditched the standard line drawing and insi...

  • 显微镜下的雾霾颗粒

    14-04-07 It has been two years since China Daily last interviewed 31-year-old Zhang Chao. The Beijing-based micrograph enthusiast still wears the same hair style, even the same coat. 中国日报两年之前曾经采访过31岁的摄影师张超。如今,这个北京显微摄影的狂热爱...

  • 多看食物图片影响食欲

    13-10-25 最近发表的一篇研究表明:分享或关注网上食物的照片会使得我们对食物的满意程度下降。实验显示,某种食物的图片看到的越多,人们越不喜欢吃那种食物。 Problem: On the scale of problems, pictures of food on the Internet is firmly first-world. And that is almos...

  • 拍摄过多食物照片可能影响食欲

    13-10-06 Warning Instagrammers: you might want to stop taking so many pictures of your food. New research out of BYU finds that looking at too many pictures of food can actually make it less enjoyable to eat. Turns out your friend's obsession(痴迷,困扰) w...

  • That's Why 原来如此

    12-12-20 Jimmy started painting when he was three years old, and when he was five, he was already very good at it. He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures, and people paid a lot of money for them. They said, This boy's going to be famous when he's...

  • 法国游客与佛像拍照被定罪

    12-08-22 A Sri Lankan court has given suspended jail terms to three French tourists for wounding the religious feelings of Buddhists by taking pictures deemed insulting. 斯里兰卡一家法院以伤害佛教徒的宗教情怀为罪名判处三名法国游客缓期监禁,她们因与佛像拍照而...

  • 秘鲁某原始部落照片被放出

    12-02-01 Chance encounters near an isolated Amazon tribe have resulted in the most detailed pictures ever taken of them. 亚马逊某与世隔离的部落最详尽的照片被偶然拍摄到。 Diego Cortijo used a telescope to get close-up images from a distance of 120m Campaign g...