• you're a pill 讨厌鬼;烦人精

    22-09-21 英文中,很多单词除了我们熟知的意思外,还有一些其他有趣用法,比如今天要来说的这个单词:pill。 大家都知道pill是药片的意思,那如果老外说Youre a pill是什么意思?可不能直接翻译为你是个药片。 在口语中,pill还可以用来形容一个人非常讨厌,惹人烦,也就是讨厌...

  • a bitter pill to swallow 苦果

    22-03-23 苦果,原本是佛教用语,字面意思是bitter fruit,比喻不得不接受的痛苦结果(A situation or result that is unpleasant but must be accepted),与英文谚语a bitter pill to swallow意思相似。常用表达如,自食苦果( eat the bitter fruit of ones own making)。...

  • a horse pill 大药丸,大型丸剂

    21-06-04 1 a horse pill 大药丸,大型丸剂。 This is not a horse pill. This is your pain pill which doctor prescribed. 这不是大药片。这就是医生给你开的止疼药。 2 a horse laugh 狂笑,讥笑,不信任的笑。 At the end of the joke she gave a horse laugh that could be...

  • 科学家有望研制出长肌肉并远离肥胖的药物

    17-05-07 A study found that suppressing production of the protein myostatin increased muscle mass. 一项研究发现,阻止肌肉生长抑制蛋白的生成可以提升肌肉质量。 Although the research was conducted in mice, the team hopes it will lead to human treatments. Lead r...

  • 男女通用避孕药即将问世

    16-03-26 A contraceptive pill that could be taken by men as well as women could be on the horizon. 一种男女通用的避孕药即将问世。 A breakthrough in the understanding of the biology of sperm could lead to a unisex version of the Pill, US government-funded sci...

  • 美国科学家研发虚拟食物药丸帮助减肥

    15-01-11 A drug dubbed an 'imaginary meal in a pill' is being developed by scientists. 美国科学家正在研发一种装有虚拟食物的药丸。 The pill tricks the body into thinking it has consumed a large amount of calories - as if you have just eaten a substantial meal...