• 《超能陆战队》第25章

    23-01-29 Hiro flailed his arms and grabbed onto the end of a metal pipe. Holding the pipe, Hiro fought against being pulled into the vortex of the portal. He watched his team below, and saw they were being beaten badly. Yokai laughed as the microbots grabbed...

  • a pipe dream 白日梦

    21-06-22 一个人即使计划得再好,如果没有切实可行的条件,那梦想就如同烟雾一般虚无飘渺。我们通常使用英语表达a pipe dream来指出某人的计划或想法如同白日做梦一般,行不通。这个说法有消极意味,所以不能用来描述 梦想、美梦等相对积极的概念。 例句 My mother says my fath...
