• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Captain, the Malay pirates have us cornered. 船长,马来西亚海盗把我们逼到了绝境。 2. Dead ahead, full sails! 直驶,满帆! 3. Captain! The ship will run aground. 船长,船会搁浅的。 4. Splice the mainbrace, lads! 痛饮一番,弟兄们。 5. Must you alwa...

  • 《加勒比海盗5》在上海迪斯尼全球首映

    17-05-12 On May 11, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, the fifth installment in the series, premieres at Shanghai Disney Resort. 5月11日,《加勒比海盗5:死无对证》在上海迪斯尼举行首映式。 The event marks the first time a Hollywood movie has he...

  • 中国海军向索马里移交三名海盗疑犯

    17-05-11 A Chinese navy ship has handed over three suspected pirates to Somali authorities. 一艘中国军舰向索马里当局移交了三名海盗嫌疑犯。 The three were detained by the crew of the Peoples Liberation Army Navy frigate Yulin on April 9, while the crew was re...

  • 对付索马里海盗 修路比战舰有效

    14-07-10 Building roads and harbours in Somalia is a better way of tackling piracy than deploying warships, a study says. 一项调查显示,在索马里建造道路和港口比部署战船更能有效解决海盗问题。 Local elites and communities protect pirates because they lack an i...

  • 四名意大利船员被海盗劫持

    12-12-25 Pirates have kidnapped four sailors after attacking their vessel off Nigeria's coast, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has said. 国际海事局称,海盗在尼日利亚海域袭击一艘船只并绑架了四名船员。 The hostages were foreigners - three of them Itali...

  • 索马里海盗袭击事件大幅减少

    12-10-23 The number of ships attacked by Somali pirates has fallen sharply this year, the International Maritime Bureau says. 国际海事局称,今年以来被索马里海盗袭击的船只数量显著下降。 International security measures have led to a decline in piracy Just 70 a...