• 哈勃望远镜发现海王星的第14颗卫星

    13-07-17 NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered a new moon orbiting the distant blue-green planet Neptune(海王星) , the 14th known to be circling the giant planet. The moon, designated S/2004 N 1, is estimated to be no more than 12 miles across, maki...

  • 哈勃望远镜发现一颗蓝色行星

    13-07-12 Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have deduced(推理) the actual visible-light color of a planet orbiting another star 63 light-years away. If seen directly it would look like a deep blue dot, reminiscent of(令人回忆起) Earth's colo...

  • 星团中的凌日行星首次被发现

    13-06-27 All stars begin their lives in groups. Most stars, including our Sun, are born in small, benign(良性的,亲切的) groups that quickly fall apart. Others form in huge, dense swarms that survive for billions of years as stellar clusters. Within such r...

  • 科研人员提供生命起源的线索

    13-04-08 A structural biologist at the Florida State University College of Medicine has made discoveries that could lead scientists a step closer to understanding how life first emerged on Earth billions of years ago. Professor Michael Blaber and his team pr...

  • 水星上曾有一片岩浆海

    13-02-24 By analyzing Mercury's rocky surface, scientists have been able to partially reconstruct the planet's history over billions of years. Now, drawing upon the chemical composition of rock features on the planet's surface, scientists at MIT have propose...

  • 类地行星的水来源相似

    12-11-21 A team of scientists, including Carnegie's Conel Alexander and Jianhua Wang, studied the hydrogen in water from the Martian interior and found that Mars formed from similar building blocks to that of Earth, but that there were differences in the lat...

  • World Earth Day

    12-10-23 When I first conceived of Earth Day, a global holiday to celebrate the wonder of life on our planet, I thought long and hard about the day on which it should fall. It must be meaningful. One that might be accepted universally for all of humankind. W...

  • 天文学家发现距离地球最近的星系行星

    12-10-19 European astronomers have discovered a planet with about the mass of Earth orbiting a star in the Alpha Centauri system -- the nearest to Earth. It is also the lightest exoplanet(外星行星) ever discovered around a star like the Sun. The planet was...

  • 太阳系外围某超级地球是一颗宝石行星

    12-10-12 New research led by Yale University scientists suggests that a rocky planet twice Earth's size orbiting a nearby star is a diamond planet. This is our first glimpse of a rocky world with a fundamentally different chemistry from Earth, said lead rese...

  • 地球生物的总质量比预算值低1/3

    12-08-28 Previous estimates about the total mass of all life on our planet have to be reduced by about one third. This is the result of a study by a German-U.S. science team published in the current online issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Scie...