• 潘基文地球日致辞

    14-08-06 Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet that supports us. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from...

  • 月球是地球与某行星碰撞而产生

    14-06-10 A new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the Moon formed from the collision of Earth with another large, planet-sized astronomical body, around 4.5 billion years ago. This work will be published in Science on...

  • 纽约男子被狗咬提起世上最贵诉讼

    14-05-25 A New York man has filed a lawsuit demanding what is believed to be the largest amount of compensation ever after he was bitten by a dog. Anton Purisima, 62, is suing a long list of defendants including the City of New York, Au Bon Pain and Kmart, f...

  • Tense

    14-05-19 Tense Benjamin S. Grossberg My species has one for nouns in the process of passing: say, a planet you no longer stand on but which still exerts on(施加于) you its considerable tug, the fist of its massy core reaching up through groin(腹股沟) and...

  • 恒星毁灭后变成行星状星云

    14-02-13 Astronomers know that while large stars can end their lives as violently cataclysmic supernovae, smaller stars end up as planetary nebulae(行星状星云) -- colourful, glowing clouds of dust and gas. In recent decades these nebulae, once thought to b...

  • 科学家发现神秘行星与地球质量相同

    14-01-10 Scientists believe one in five stars in our galaxy have Earth-like planets orbiting them. 科学家发现在距离地球200光年的地方有一颗与地球质量相同的神秘行星。 Earth's gassy twin as been discovered in another solar system 200 light years away. But the u...

  • 美宇航局发现地球外围高能辐射带的奥秘

    13-12-05 Just over a year since launch, NASA's Van Allen Probes mission continues to unravel longstanding mysteries of Earth's high-energy radiation belts that encircle our planet and pose hazards to orbiting satellites and astronauts. Derived from measureme...

  • 行星很容易吸热过快

    13-07-31 It might be easier than previously thought for a planet to overheat into the scorchingly uninhabitable runaway greenhouse stage, according to new research by astronomers at the University of Washington and the University of Victoria published July 2...

  • 火星上曾有过降雨

    13-07-25 Researchers at Brown University have shown that some Martian valleys appear to have been caused by runoff from orographic precipitation(地形雨) -- moisture carried part of the way up a mountain and deposited on the slopes. Valley networks branchin...

  • 海平面上涨的长期应对方案

    13-07-17 A new study estimates that global sea levels will rise about 2.3 meters, or more than seven feet, over the next several thousand years for every degree (Celsius) the planet warms. This international study is one of the first to combine analyses of f...