• 洋葱能吸收有害重金属

    12-12-11 Onion and garlic waste from the food industry could be used to mop up hazardous heavy metals, including arsenic(砷) , cadmium(镉) , iron, lead, mercury and tin in contaminated materials, according to a research paper published in the Internation...

  • 环境污染会导致婴儿先天畸形

    11-10-20 Pesticides and pollutants are related to a 450 percent increase in the risk of spina bifida and anencephaly(先天无脑畸形) in rural China, according to scientists at The University of Texas at Austin and Peking University. Two of the pesticides fou...

  • 游隼蛋中发现新污染物

    11-04-19 Flame retardants(阻燃剂) are chemical compounds added to fabrics and plastics to keep them from burning easily, but these can be toxic. Now a team of researchers from Spain and Canada has detected some of these emerging pollutants for the first ti...

  • 母亲产前暴露于污染空气中将影响儿童认知能力

    10-04-21 A study by the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) carried out in Krakow, Poland has found that prenatal(产前的,胎儿期的) exposure to pollutants(污染物) can adversely(不利地,反对地) affect children's cognitive(认知的...
