• 日本推《便便汉字练习簿》激发小学生学习兴趣

    17-06-10 As many Japanese parents and teachers will attest, getting young children to write and memorise hundreds of kanji characters can be a thankless task. 让小朋友书写和记忆几百个日文汉字是一项艰巨的任务,许多日本家长和老师对此都有同感。 But a new series...

  • 荷兰新开一家“便便银行”

    16-02-20 Everyone is familiar with calls to donate blood, sperm, stem cells, bone marrow and organs, but the opening of a new 'poo bank' in the Netherlands means it is now possible to donate your faeces. 献血、捐精、捐献干细胞、捐骨髓、器官捐赠这些你可能都听...

  • 约会时如何巧妙地上厕所

    14-04-07 Ever wondered how to navigate the etiquette of going to the loo on a date or, even worse, in bed? This new book tackles the last taboo in dating. 想知道如何在约会时,或者更糟的是,在床上时,去上厕所却不失形象的妙诀吗?这本新书教你突破约会中的最后一...
