• 英理发店用金正恩头像做海报遭警告

    14-04-20 英国一家理发店店主日前贴出了一张印着朝鲜领袖金正恩独特的中分短发造型的海报,并附有标语:发型糟糕?4月所有男士发型享85折优惠!来自附近大使馆的两名朝鲜官员对贴出海报的这家理发店进行了拍照,并要求他取下不尊敬的海报。 North Korean officials paid a visit...

  • 美第一夫人肖像现身反皮草广告 引风波

    10-01-09 Animal rights group PETA has used the image of Michelle Obama without her consent on a new poster that praises the U.S. first lady for not wearing fur, the White House said on Wednesday. 美国白宫于本周三称,动物权益组织善待动物协会未经第一夫人米歇尔...

  • Uzbeks issue posters of suspects 乌兹别克斯坦发布通缉令

    09-09-24 Posters of 23 wanted men have gone up in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent, where officials say they are moving against Islamists threatening the state. 乌兹别克斯坦首都塔什干张贴出23名通缉犯的通缉令,官方称他们反对伊斯兰教徒、威胁国家安全。 The Uzbek aut...
