• 取消死囚器官移植来源不会造成器官捐赠短缺

    15-03-12 China's ban on the harvesting of organs from executed prisoners for transplant will not cause the shortage of donated organs, an expert said on Wednesday. 本周三,在北京举行的全国政协记者招待会上,全国政协常委、中国器官捐献与移植委员会主任黄洁夫表示...

  • 民主刚果发生大规模越狱事件

    14-06-06 At least 250 prisoners in the Democratic Republic of Congo have escaped in a mass jailbreak at dawn in Bukavu, an official has told the BBC. 刚果民主共和国布卡武市一座监狱黎明时发生大规模越狱事件,至少250名囚犯逃出监狱。 Three people died, including...

  • 巴西虐囚者Paulo Malhaes被谋杀

    14-04-28 A Brazilian former army colonel who admitted torturing and killing political prisoners under military rule up to the 1980s has been found dead. 巴西一位前陆军上校被发现死于家中,他承认在二十世纪八十年代前曾拷问、杀死政治犯。 Paulo Malhaes said he ne...

  • 缅甸颁布特赦令 政治犯将获释

    13-12-31 Burma is set to free several political prisoners after the government announced a presidential pardon. 缅甸政府公布了一份总统特赦令,几位政治犯将获释。 Thein Sein has introduced major reforms since becoming president in 2010 It is not clear how many...

  • 2006年以来尼日利亚首次实行绞刑

    13-06-25 Four prisoners have been hanged in southern Nigeria, officials say, in what are believed to be the first executions for seven years. 四名囚犯在南尼日利亚被处绞刑,这是近七年以来的首次行刑。 The justice commissioner for the state of Edo, Henry Idahag...

  • 缅甸特赦囚犯迎接奥巴马到访

    12-11-15 The Burmese authorities say than 452 prisoners will be released in a goodwill gesture, days ahead of a visit by US President Barack Obama. 缅甸当局称,美国总统奥巴马到访前几天,452名囚犯将被释放以示善意。 Mr Obama is expected to urge Burmese authori...

  • 缅甸政府特赦500多名囚犯

    12-09-18 Burma has released more than 500 prisoners, including some of the country's remaining political detainees and a number of foreigners. 缅甸政府释放了500多名囚犯,包括一些政治犯和部分外国人。 Officials released no list of names, but opposition groups...

  • 朝鲜将特赦部分囚犯

    12-01-10 North Korea says it will grant an amnesty for prisoners to mark the birthdays of two late leaders. 朝鲜政府宣布将特赦犯人以纪念两位已故领导的诞辰。 Kim Jong-un took over from his father, Kim Jong-il, after his death on 17 December State news agency...

  • One Big Happy Family 快乐大家庭

    11-10-07 The warden of the prison felt sorry for one of his inmates because every weekend on Visitors Day, most of the prisoners had family members and friends coming, but poor George always sat alone in his cell. So one Visitors Day, the warden called Georg...

  • 塞拉利昂发生囚犯越狱案

    10-12-07 At least 19 prisoners have escaped from a maximum security prison in Sierra Leone - apparently leaving through the front gates during the day. 塞拉利昂至少19名囚犯从一座高度设防监狱逃出似乎是在光天化日之下从大门离开。 The prisoners fired a pistol to...