• trifling profit 蝇头小利

    22-07-22 蝇头小利,汉语成语,形容非常微...

  • over and above 超越

    21-12-17 短语 over and above 表示在数量或质量上超过了期待的水平。多于或在之上。 例句 The quality of the food was over and above what I expected from that restaurant. The profit we made last year was over and above what we anticipated. Were going to need five...

  • things are looking up 情况开始好转

    21-04-25 表达 things are looking up 的意思是 情况开始改善 或 事情有所好转。在经历了一段低谷或一系列负面事件后,情况开始好转,事情渐有起色时,就可以用这个固定搭配来表示 情况正在朝积极的方向发展。 例句 My brother had a terrible start to the year. He broke his...

  • resort to every conceivable means 无所不用其极

    20-10-13 无所不用其极,原意是指尽一切努力,来达到的最高境界。现在表示为达到目的,不择手段,含贬义。可以翻译为resort to every conceivable means, employ the meanest of tricks。 例句: 为了博取上级的欢心,他无所不用其极。 He resorted to every conceivable means...