• 俄抗议活动视频惊现UFO

    11-12-17 Bizarre footage has emerged of an apparent 'unidentified flying object' soaring above Moscow during a political protest. 一段奇异的视频显示,俄罗斯民众近日在莫斯科举行政治抗议活动时,天空惊现UFO,在抗议者头顶盘旋许久。 Bizarre footage has emerged of...

  • 印度贸易商罢工抗议零售改革政策

    11-12-01 Traders in India are observing a day-long strike in protest at the decision by the government to open the retail market to global supermarket chains. 印度政府决定向全球连锁超市开放国内零售市场,贸易商遂组织为期一天的罢工抗议活动。 Most of the main m...

  • general strike 全国性大罢工

    11-11-30 Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country's economic austerity measures. 希腊工会计划在周三举行一次全国性大罢工和大规模抗议活动,以反对国家推行的经济紧缩措施。 在上面的报道中,general strik...

  • 葡萄牙工人发动24小时大罢工

    11-11-24 A 24-hour strike in Portugal has grounded flights and halted public transportation in protest against proposed austerity measures. 为抗议财政紧缩政策,葡萄牙正在进行一场时长24小时的大罢工,航班停飞、公共交通停运。 Air traffic controllers and workers...

  • 印尼妇女抗议市长“衣着暴露引性侵”言论

    11-09-24 昨日,数十名印尼妇女身穿超短裙和紧身裤聚集在首都雅加达中心地带,抗议该市市长此前发表言论称性侵案件的主要诱因是女性衣着过于暴露。 Women carried placards saying 'Don't tell us how to dress, tell them not to rape,' and 'My body is not porn, instead it'...

  • 也门保安部队向示威者开火

    11-03-09 Security forces in Yemen have opened fire at a large protest outside the university in the capital, Sanaa. 也门保安部队向在萨那大学外围进行抗议的人群开火射击。 Anti-Saleh protesters have often faced fierce resistance from security forces They were t...

  • 埃及总统穆巴拉克辞职

    11-02-12 Hosni Mubarak has stepped down as president of Egypt, after weeks of protest in Cairo and other cities. 埃及首都开罗以及其它城市持续数周的动乱致使总统胡斯尼穆巴拉克辞职。 The news was greeted with a huge outburst(爆发) of joy and celebration by th...

  • 法国工人大罢工已持续七天

    10-10-20 French workers are set to continue their protests against planned pension reforms as a rolling strike enters its seventh day. 法国工人计划继续反抗政府的养老金制度改革,他们举行的罢工已进入第七天。 Transport workers say they will continue their prote...

  • 曼谷商业活动恢复正常

    10-05-25 Offices, schools and businesses have reopened in Bangkok, days after a violent end to weeks of protest. 曼谷的办公室、学校和商业经历数周的暴乱之后已重新开放。 Commuters returned to work next to burned-out buildings Residents within what was the red-...

  • 泰国军队将“包围红衫抗议者”

    10-05-13 The Thai military says security forces plan to surround a protest encampment in Bangkok with armoured vehicles. 泰国军方宣布,安全部队将采用装甲车辆包围曼谷一股红衫反抗者的营地。 The number of troops in Bangkok is said to have increased in recent da...