• The Pink

    13-11-20 There was once on a time a Queen to whom God had given no children. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to God in heaven to bestow on her a son or a daughter. Then an angel from heaven came to her and said, Be at rest, thou shalt have...

  • 英王储查尔斯尚未“工作”便已退休

    13-11-17 Prince Charles plans to claim the government pension he qualifies for when he turns 65 on Thursday, but he still hasn't started the job he was born to do. 英国王储查尔斯11月14日就年满65岁了,已经有资格领取政府退休金了,但是他还没有开始从事与生俱来被...

  • 威尔士亲王担心王位将是一座牢笼

    13-11-03 The Prince of Wales is in no rush to become king because he fears being monarch will be a form of prison, according to one of his officials. 据威尔士亲王的一名随从说,威尔士亲王并不急于成为国王,因为他担心王位将是一座牢笼。 The unnamed individual is...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 24

    13-08-09 Which? Uncle, I have discovered what girls are made for, said Rose, the day after the reconciliation of Archie and the Prince. Well, my dear, what is it? asked Dr. Alec, who was planking the deck, as he called his daily promenade(散步,舞会) up an...

  • 荷兰女王将让位于其长子

    13-01-29 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has announced she is abdicating in favour of her son, Prince Willem-Alexander. 荷兰女王贝娅特丽克丝宣布退位,推选她儿子威廉-亚历山大即位。 In a pre-recorded address broadcast on TV, she said she would formally stand...

  • 红火蚁体内存在一种“群居型”染色体

    13-01-17 Researchers have discovered a social chromosome in the highly invasive fire ant that helps to explain why some colonies allow for more than one queen ant, and could offer new solutions for dealing with this pest. The red fire ants live in two differ...

  • Diamond Jubilee 钻石庆

    13-01-16 Britain's Queen Elizabeth hosted a Diamond Jubilee lunch for 26 kings and queens on May 18th, 2012. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世5月18日设午宴款待26国的国王与王后,以庆祝自己登基60周年。 上面报道中的Diamond Jubilee就是钻石庆,即60周年纪念。以前人们在纪念结婚...

  • 伦敦奥运开幕式表演揭秘

    12-07-31 The theatrical tour de force included a series of dazzling spectacles, from a 40ft oak tree rising serenely from a grassy mound, to a towering 18metre Voldemort character roaming around the stage. 在本届伦敦奥运会开幕式上,观众们看到了一系列的耀眼奇...

  • 查尔斯在女王钻禧庆典上发表讲话

    12-06-11 There was a deafening roar as the Queen, resplendent in a golden outfit, made her way to the centre of the stage after the finale of her Diamond Jubilee concert. 英国女王伊丽莎白二世身穿金色套装出席登基60周年钻禧庆典,在庆祝音乐会结束后走到舞台中央...

  • 英国庆祝女王登基60周年

    12-06-09 6月3日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世与王室成员搭乘王室之舟巡游泰晤士河,以庆祝女王登基60周年钻石禧年。英国首相卡梅伦对女王的不懈奉献精神表达敬意,并表示女王不会提前退位,将用余生继续为国家服务。 David Cameron has paid tribute to the Queens unstinting devoti...