• laser jock 激光迷

    22-09-23 上周,加拿大副教授Donna Strickland与其他两位教授一起获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,她成为第三位获此奖项的女性,也是55年来以来的首位女性。诺贝尔委员会为表彰她在激光啁啾脉冲放大技术中所做的工作而授奖。 Strickland是激光物理学专家,但她喜欢将自己称为:a laser jo...

  • 中国将建造世界最亮光源设备

    17-01-24 China plans to build a next-generation synchrotron radiation facility in Beijing, according to a researcher from Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the countrys top research institutes. 中科院一位研究员透露,中国计划在北京建造新一代同步辐射加速器。...

  • 电离辐射如何损伤DNA诱发癌症

    16-12-14 For the first time, researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and their collaborators have been able to identify in human cancers two characteristic patterns of DNA damage caused by ionising radiation. These fingerprint patterns may now e...

  • 科研人员发明检测赫兹辐射的新镜头

    16-03-15 Terahertz radiation is a relatively unexplored slice of the electromagnetic spectrum, but it holds the promise of countless new imaging applications as well as wireless communication networks with extremely high bandwidth. The problem is that there...

  • 恒星核合成的全新诠释

    15-08-04 Physicists at the University of York have revealed a new understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars, providing insight into the role massive stars play in the evolution of the Milky Way and the origins of the Solar System. Radioactive aluminium (alum...