• 核辐射能影响胎儿性别

    11-05-27 Ionizing radiation(电离辐射) is not without danger to human populations. Indeed, exposure to nuclear radiation leads to an increase in male births relative to female births, according to a new study by Hagen Scherb and Kristina Voigt from the Helm...

  • 日本核泄漏 善后需九个月

    11-04-18 The operator of Japan's crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has said it expects to bring the crisis under control by the end of the year. 日本福岛核电站运营商称,此次危机将于今年年底才能处于掌控之中。 Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) aims to red...

  • 福岛核电站发现污水泄露处

    11-04-03 Radioactive water is leaking into the sea from a 20-centimetre (8-inch) crack in a containment pit at Japan's quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator Tepco has said. 东京电力公司称,福岛核电站一座冷却池破裂,放射性污水透过一条20厘米长的裂缝...

  • 台湾日式料理店提供辐射侦测服务

    11-03-26 One of Taiwan's top Japanese restaurants is offering diners the use of a radiation gauge before they eat in case of any nerves in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster. 台湾的一家顶级日本料理店将为食客在进餐前提供辐射侦测服务,以安抚日本核灾难可能引...

  • 日本核泄漏危害被夸大

    11-03-26 Fukushima is not Chernobyl, scientists repeat, and even Chernobyl was not as deadly as popularly believed. 科学家反复强调,福岛不是切尔诺贝利,而且切尔诺贝利也不像公众所想的那么可怕和危险。 Dire warnings of radiation spreading from Japan's embattled...

  • 日本核泄漏致辐射探测器销量大增

    11-03-26 日本核危机发生以来,美国各地的辐射侦测器销量大增,很多销售点的存货都已受控,新货订单都排到了几周以后。 Since Japans nuclear crisis started, Tim Flanegins phone has barely stopped ringing with orders for Geiger counters, the radiation detectors, to t...

  • 日本核泄漏致邻国碘片脱销

    11-03-20 日本大地震及海啸引发核泄露事故后,与受灾地区相邻的国家和地区近日出现了抢购碘化钾(即碘片)的热潮。 Japan's nuclear crisis is spiking demand in the U.S. and a few other places for a cheap drug that can protect against one type of radiation damage eve...

  • 救援工人撤离福岛核电站

    11-03-16 A rise in radiation levels at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant has forced workers to suspend operations, a government spokesman says. 一位日本政府发言人称,福岛核电站不断上升的辐射水平迫使工人停止救援工作。 It is unclear what produced the wh...

  • 防辐射内衣 安检时保护隐私

    10-11-27 美国科罗拉多州一家公司近日推出一款防辐射内衣,能够帮助人们在接受机场全身扫描安检时遮蔽身体隐私部位。 The undies, sold by Colorado company Rocky Flats Gear, feature cute fig leaf patterns over the sensitive area, with the leaves made out of material...

  • 接受化疗的未吸烟者存活率较高

    10-11-17 Patients with head and neck cancer who have never smoked have much better survival rates after radiation therapy than patients with a history of smoking, new research from UC Davis Cancer Center has found. The study by Allen M. Chen and colleagues i...